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Mother’s Day: A Tribute |09 May 2020

Mother’s Day: A Tribute

This Sunday, mothers across the world will be honoured for the amazing role that they play in our lives. Mother’s Day is observed on different days in various parts of the world and for those who will observe it this Sunday, Seychelles NATION, incommemoration, presents a collection of tributes to mothers in Seychelles, from their loving children.

“My Mum is a great woman with a beautiful soul. She has taught me how to be strong and to face all challenges head on. With my Mum’s love and prayers, I have made it through all of life’s toughest moments. Although I will face many more difficult situations, I am ready to face them as I know my Mum will always be there to support me no matter what. Thank you and love you always Mum” – Vanessa Lesperance



“When it comes to my Mum, I am most grateful for how selfless she is. She is always making sacrifices, not only for me but for others around her and she has never asked for anything in return” – Gaelle Dubignon


“I’m more grateful to my Mum now that I’m far away from her. Miss the small fights that we used to have on and off… miss seeing her busy in her garden… love you Mum” – Niren Sunassee


“There has never been a day where my Mother didn’t put me and all my siblings first. If it ever came to it and she had one spoon of food left, she’d give it to us without a thought. When we’d have wronged her in any way, she’s found it in her heart to forgive us, to still open her heart and arms out to us. She’s cared for our health and safety more than any other mother I know out there. She’s always found the energy to be there for us, despite being tired both mentally and physically herself. She’s found ways to discipline us while respecting the decisions we make now as adults for our own happiness. To say she loves us and is selfless and loyal is an understatement. I recognise this not just on Mother’s Day, but every single day. And even without all this, I have loved and will continue to love my Mother every day of my life. She is irreplaceable as my Mother” – Anonymous


She gives you strength whenever you’ve lost confidence in yourself. I love my Mother for she is the epitome of strength, she is the most pillar in my life, she will never give up on me even if there are certain situations I have already given up on myself. I also love her because genuinely she shows me that even if the world is a little cruel, to never let hate consume your heart; she’s so pure and requires most protection, which is why I love her. I’m most grateful to my Mum because she has nurtured me for 9 months; her nurturing has never stopped. I’m grateful that she guides me and inspires me to always be the best version of myself. I’m thankful for her because she is my own loving and breathing guardian angel” - Gabriella Gonthier




“Dear Mama, thanks for all that you do and all the food sent during the COVID-19 pandemic. Love, Zaz”Zarine Udwadia Durup


“My entire life my Mum has been the most stable part of me. They say home is where the heart is; well, my mama is my home. No matter how bad a situation has ever been for me, she is the sun on my rainy day. She is always hopeful and always sees the silver lining in every situation even when I don't. I have been blessed with the most amazing and supportive mother I could have ever asked for. Being a mum myself now, I appreciate and understand her love towards me more than ever before and I hope that I can measure up to her in mothering my own daughter. I love you Mama” – Tara Leccadito




“She gave birth to us...many children don't make it into the world; and many that do are abused, neglected and orphaned. We're grateful for the gift of life she's given us and for the values and lessons instilled. We love you Mum. Happy Mother's Day!” – Rebecca Belle




“I love my mum without reason and conditions. However, I am grateful for the endless support she has given me, despite my being difficult at times, and how I literally can talk to her about anything, be it good or bad. Happiest Mother’s Day to her and to all Mothers in Seychelles” – Jellissa Payet





“My Mom has always been a shy and timid woman but whatever life has thrown at her, I have never seen her lose her sense of joy. She has an unbothered attitude and that shows through her calmness; it would take a lot to rattle her. In that sense, she is strong and patient. Growing up, she was always the fun parent to be around and would always play with my siblings and I as if she was a kid herself. My Mom has taught me to not take life so seriously no matter how hard it gets and I’m grateful for the values she has instilled in me” – Clyvie Hoareau




“I grew up with my grandmother who has always been an absolute angel and a mother to me. She has always cared for me and loved me unconditionally. Her love, patience and guidance have helped mould me into the person I am today and for that, I shall be eternally grateful” – Misa Lablache


‘’We don’t need to wait for Mother’s Day to acknowledge our mothers. But rather, acknowledge the days we have our mothers with us. My mother is my pillar of strength every day, through all the challenges, and for that, I am thankful. And I am thankful for her mother, my grandmother, who raised her to be the woman she is” – Ariane Adam


“My mother is the strongest woman I know with the biggest heart. She has surmounted the unthinkable through her undying faith. She has such strong values which she has passed on to us. It is because of her that we know not to judge and to always lend a helping hand. Because of her, we grew up in a happy home filled with love and know the importance of family. I am grateful for everything I have learned from her. My Mum has become my best friend. She is my rock and inspires me to be a better person and a better mother myself. I love and appreciate her more with every passing day” – Mavreen Pouponneau




Compiled by F.P.

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