Happy World Nutella Day! |05 February 2020

Did you know that today, February 5, is World Nutella Day! I also never knew that until a colleague pointed it out to me. Nutella, who does not know this yummy chocolaty hazelnutspread? It is one of the rare international brands that is loved by many. Browsing the internet, we found some info for our readers about this day.
So what is World Nutella Day?
Nutella is a chocolate spread made from cocoa and hazelnut. It can be used as spread on toast. It can also be put into pastries and other baked goods. It can even be used as a flavour for ice cream. There are lots of good treats that can be made with this special spread. Hence, a day is dedicated just for celebrating it – the World Nutella Day. It is a day of celebration where people eat the spread by itself or with other foods.
When was Nutella first created?
Chocolate supply became so scarce during the 1940s so Italian Pietro Ferrero came up with the idea of mixing hazelnut to his chocolate so that he can increase his chocolate supply. He named such product Pasta Gianduja. In 1951, he made a creamier version of this spread which he called Supercrema. In 1963, the recipe of this spread was altered so that it could be marketed in Europe. In April 1964, the first ever jar of Nutella was sold.
What is the history of the World Nutella Day?
The World Nutella Day has a rich history. Its roots can be traced back from when the spread was invented until the day when the world celebration was founded.
It was Susan Russo, an American blogger, who founded the celebration of this day. Back in the early 2000s, she lived in Italy and loved to take jars of Nutella back to the United States. The reason for this is that during that time, there was not much Nutella sold in the USA. She then wondered why the spread was not popular in the US when in fact it was so delicious. In 2007, she sent an email to her friend Shelley Ruelle, a fellow blogger, asking the latter if she wanted to join her in hosting the World Nutella Day. Of course, Ruelle replied with a big yes.
The first World Nutella Day was celebrated on February 6, 2007. However, a year later, the date was changed into February 5. Even up until now, people from all over the world celebrate this amazing day.
Did you know?
One jar of every 12oz tub contains about 50 hazelnuts.
We wish all our readers a Happy Nutella Day and today I guess you can dip in your finger in the Nutella jar to celebrate.
PS: Send us a photo of you enjoying your Nutella on this day by whatsapp on 2597812.
Compiled by Vidya Gappy