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Local technicians bound for Switzerland for capacity-building training |15 March 2025

Local technicians bound for Switzerland for capacity-building training

The team in a souvenir photograph with Minister Fonseka and member of the National Assembly for St Louis Sathya Naidoo (3rd and 2nd from right respectively)

Five members of the St Louis Hill Stabilisation Project technical group leave for Switzerland tomorrow for a two-week training programme focused on rock stabilisation techniques for granitic terrains.

The five are Mikael Evenor and Dean Morel from the Seychelles Infrastructure Agency (SIA), Jean-Luc Mondon from PetroSeychelles, Kevin Sophola from the Seychelles Planning Authority (SPA) and Simon Dugasse from the Disaster Risk Management Division (DRMD). They received their air tickets from DRMD in a short ceremony yesterday afternoon at the Harbour Lighthouse Restaurant, Espace building.

Among the guests was Internal Affairs Minister Errol Fonseka who stated that this training programme is a major investment in capacity-building that will help them in years to come.

He advised the technicians to get as much information as they can during this opportunity of a lifetime.

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