Au Cap primary school hosts health promotion day |08 November 2019

As part of the school’s effort to become accredited as a Health Promoting school, a Health Promotion Day was organised on Wednesday October 30 at the school. The school also revived its House System as a supporting school structure to help promote the learning and well-being of the pupils.
The day started with a special breakfast prepared by the teachers. Later the staff and pupils had the chance to exercise a bit with the breathtaking aerobic session conducted by Dorothy Isidore from NSC.
Soon after the children went into a short break where they enjoyed the Yoplait Yoghurt which were being sold at the school by Panagora Seychelles at a reduced price and with a little memorabilia which they could take home.
The short break was followed by the Inter-House sport and creole quiz competition. The sport activities were varied from three legged-race, egg and spoon race for the smaller ones at P1-P2 level and team sport football and volleyball for P4-P6 pupils.
To add up to our health promotion day the school invited some health professionals namely representative from Doctor Murthy`s clinic Anse Aux Pins, our school health nurse Brigitte Mathiot and others to conduct some screening tests with the pupils and staff such as weight, height, BP and sugar level. There were some good and bad results which show that we need to take care of our health better.
The day progressed with lunch and the tuck shop operator, Annie Payet, did not forget to add to her menu list our creole food especially those good for our health.
At the end of the day the children were very happy to have participated in all activities and to become more aware of their health.
They also enjoyed their yoghurt from Panagora Seychelles and some from Pascual Yoghurt as well as the creole food.
The accompanying photos show some highlights of the day.
Text and photos contributed