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Gran Kaz's support shines light on family struggling after December 7 disaster |05 March 2024

Gran Kaz's support shines light on family struggling after December 7 disaster

Ms Ernesta (left) accepts the cheque from Ms Amesbury

Maybelle Ernesta, a resident of La Batie, is among the many individuals whose homes were ravaged by the landslides of December 7, 2023. Gran Kaz's generous contribution provides a glimmer of hope as she works to rebuild her life and home.

In the early morning of Thursday, December 7, Ms Ernesta woke to a chilling discovery. Heavy rainfall had dislodged a boulder, causing significant destruction to her home, leaving an entire wall covered under soil and debris and floodwaters inundating her kitchen. Displaced and devastated, she sought refuge with other affected families.

Reflecting on her ordeal, Ms Ernesta shared, “The last 2 months have been an incredibly trying time for me. I lost my home, and not long after I lost my mother.”

“I’m a nurse/midwife at the hospital and I have to admit the ministry has been very supportive and instrumental. They have allowed me the necessary leave to be able to try to sort things out. I have moved from one place to the other, four times in total, looking for a more permanent solution. The only permanent home that was on offer was situated at a considerable distance. Amid the disruption to our everyday lives, I was determined to maintain some aspect of routine for my family.”

“While I am very grateful for the offer, I had to make a decision that would keep some semblance of normalcy in our lives. The despair of not being in my own home continuously washes over me. I am aware that I am lucky to at least have a roof over my head while I wait, but I am so desperate to get back to my own house.”

Post-disaster assessments revealed that Ms Ernesta's home reconstruction hinges on the erection of a supporting wall to avert future calamities. She expressed the added burden.

“This was an additional expense I wasn’t anticipating. I was already struggling to figure out how I was going to repair my home, now add a wall to the equation and it looks like it will be even longer before I can go home,” said a desperate Ms Ernesta.

“Local Government has been trying its hardest to help those of us affected, but naturally with so many people in need, the waiting time is quite long. The procedures and processes take quite a while, and with the removal of the boulder and the soil, I have been told that it is advisable to build the wall within a month of these works.”

However, with the support of Gran Kaz, she finally has some hope that she will eventually be able to move back into her own home.

On February 27, 2024, Gran Kaz handed over R30,940.28 to Ms Ernesta, aiding her in the reconstruction efforts. This assistance stems from the community's generosity during Gran Kaz's inaugural Christmas Village event, where R3,940.28 was collected. Gran Kaz augmented this sum with an additional R27,000.

“The disaster has wreaked havoc in many people’s lives. We wanted desperately to help the victims. When it hit, we immediately mobilised to first ensure our staff were safe. Some of them had severe damage to their homes, and our management and maintenance teams immediately took action,” said Shama Amesbury, PR and communications manager at Gran Kaz.

“Equipped with work tools and materials, we were on site the very same day to help with repairs. As soon as that was done, we shifted our focus to the community. We have always been big on supporting the communities in which we operate, and this one hit really close to home.”

Although the donated amount may not cover the entire reconstruction expenses, Gran Kaz remains hopeful that every contribution, no matter how small, will make a meaningful impact.

“We realised that the sum we had managed to collect and the amount we added to it would make little impact if shared among many families, so we wanted to make a contribution to a particular person or family, in the hope that it will go some way towards assisting with repairs,” added Ms Amesbury.

December 7 saw an unprecedented state in the country, with different areas being affected by different catastrophes at the same time.

Many people are still displaced. Many people are still waiting for their homes and businesses to be repaired and for them to be cleared for occupancy. In the aftermath of these disasters, amid the unprecedented challenges faced by communities, Gran Kaz stands as a beacon of hope, demonstrating the power of collective support and solidarity.

Ms Amesbury concluded with words of gratitude for the kindness of those who contributed.

“We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all those who contributed to the donation box; your community spirit is truly inspiring and encourages us to continue our efforts in aiding those in need. As we continue to rebuild and recover, let us remember that even the smallest gestures of kindness can make a significant difference in the lives of those affected.”

The accompanying photos show some of the damage to Ms Ernesta’s house following the heavy rains of December 7.







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