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Comedy competition opens ahead of World Theatre Day |19 February 2024

Comedy competition opens ahead of World Theatre Day

• Winner gets to perform alongside British comedian Daliso Chaponda


The Seychelles National Youth Council has collaborated with the Komik Lokal drama club to launch a comedy competition to officially commemorate World Theatre Day 2024, which falls on March 27.

The winner of the competition will have the chance to perform alongside renowned British comedian Daliso Chaponda who was a finalist of the popular TV show, Britain’s Got Talent in 2017. The British comedian will perform for the first time in Seychelles on May 3 and 4, 2024.

The launch ceremony was held on Saturday morning at the Seychelles National Youth Council (SNYC) headquarters in Orion Mall, whereby those who were interested had the chance to register their names.

The participants can choose between two categories – either the ‘one-man show’ stand-up, or a theatrical group. The process of elimination and the day of selection will be held on March 23 at 9am at the National Theatre, Mont Fleuri. A separate panel of juries will decide who move on to the finals, which will be held in May.

SNYC’s progamme officer Ritchie Flore explained that the preparation stages have begun and notified the youth that they will have six weeks to rehearse prior to the elimination stage.

“We want you to have adequate amount of time to practise,” stated Mr Flore.

There is exactly two weeks left in February for those who are yet to register to officially do so, as no new participants will be allowed to register in March, he explained.

There will be directors of programme from districts s who will also be delivering forms to youths at national level.  “We want all the kids to participate.” 

Director of Komik Lokal drama club, Kurt Lagrenade explained to those present that the children will not be alone in the competition and that SNYC and Komik Lokal will be supportive in this endeavour.

“We will help all of you to make sure that you have a chance when the day arrives. However, we are not the judges,” he stated.

The ceremony ended with a 20-minute theatrical comedic performance to give a good example of what a well-organised professional show looks like.


By Sunny Esparon

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