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Postal service condemns abusive behaviour against its staff |13 February 2024

Postal service condemns abusive behaviour against its staff

The post office management has said it wants to provide a safe and more comforting environment for both staff and customers (Photo: Seychelles NATION archives)

The Seychelles postal sector has urged its clients to be respectful and non-violent towards its employees, stating it does not condone abuse.

The postal service issued the urgent notice last week following several verbal abuse against their staff. Speaking to Seychelles NATION, public relations officer Meryl Esparon stated: “We are not saying that this is a recurring issue, however, in the instances that it has happened it was quite alarming.”

Ms Esparon said in such instances their first step was to assess the situation in order to keep their clients satisfied. However, customers have still come back with the same abusive temper.

Customers are demanding to have their way even in circumstances whereby their package is not yet ready, added Ms Esparon.

“We have also encountered instances whereby customers have become aggressive to the extent of even threatening our staff.”

The point of the notice is to provide a safe and more comforting environment for both staff and customers, she added.

The postal service said it has received positive feedbacks from its customers regarding the notice.

“Many clients have also delivered some constructive criticisms, which we do not take lightly. We take all steps to keep both our staff and customers happy.”

The postal service is advising customers to make use of the suggestion box at its office in town, and the website for all their complaints and queries so they could ensure good service delivery at all times.


Kassey Govinden




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