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December 7 disasters: Two months post-disaster |07 February 2024

The Ministry of Local Government and Community Affairs, in collaboration with other relevant agencies actively engaged in disaster recovery, have implemented an analysis method for relocating victims affected by the two recent disasters.

Following a thorough assessment of each case and considering the extent of damage sustained by their homes, priorities are established and actions taken accordingly. A monitoring team conducts daily ground visits, ensuring victims are regularly updated on the progress of their cases.

The victims are gradually returning to their homes or being relocated to alternative accommodations such as to family members and part-rental homes. The relocations are being undertaken to allow the locations presently being used as shelters – Stad Linite, Petit Séminaire and Berjaya Beau Vallon Bay Hotel – to resume their normal functions.

Additionally, this transition helps reduce the costs incurred by the government, including payments to Berjaya Beau Vallon Bay Hotel and expenses related to providing cooked meals.

Moving into a more permanent dwelling also allows these families to feel more comfortable, enabling them to cook their own meals and engage in other familial activities that these shelters may not fully accommodate.

It is also important to note that emergency shelters are provided during and in the aftermath of disasters as places of rest and security where victims are provided with access to food, water, as well as psychological help and medical treatment if needed. Now, we are in post-disaster recovery mode where alternatives are sought.

Currently, the status of persons still at shelters is as follows:

Stad Linite: 15 persons from two families

Petit Séminaire: 15 persons, comprising three families and two individuals living alone

Berjaya Beau Vallon Bay Hotel: 15 persons from two families.

Regarding issues with victims residing in shelters, the ministry encountered a case of misbehaviour involving a male individual who, while under the influence of alcohol, interfered with a tourist at one of the shelters. Immediate action was taken, and we are pleased to report that such incidents have not recurred.



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