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Financial Services Authority, Postal Services get new board |25 January 2024

Financial Services Authority, Postal Services get new board

The Office of the President has announced the appointment of the new board of the Financial Services Authority (FSA) and of the Seychelles Postal Services (SPS).


FSA board

Patrick Payet has been re-appointed as chairperson and Muhammad Saley has been appointed as the new vice-chairperson of the FSA Board.

The other members are: Randolf Samson (CEO/member - ex-officio), Seylina Joymon, Kahaki Jere, Robert Stravens, Samanta Esparon, Anne Rosette and Richard Rampal.                                                                                                                                   

The board members have been appointed for a three-year period effective January 21, 2024.

Audrey Pothin will also join the board as a member with effect from February 19, 2024.                                


SPS board

Norman Weber has been re-appointed as chairperson and Tessa Henderson has been appointed as the new vice-chairperson of the SPS board.

The other members are: Mariella Buisson (CEO/member - ex-officio), Ayub Adam, Ruth Pool, Demelza Valentin, Marcus Elizabeth, Thessia Labonte and Christophe Madeleine.                                                                                                                                 

The board members have been appointed for a three-year period effective January 21, 2024.

The President has also thanked the outgoing members of both boards for their period of tenure.  


Press release from the Office of the President


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