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First Presidential visit for 2024   |20 January 2024

First Presidential visit for 2024   

Head of State extremely impressed with CBS’ work


President Wavel Ramkalawan has expressed his appreciation with the way the employees of the Central Bank of Seychelles were conducting the way.

He made the comment after visiting the institution yesterday and interacted with the staff.

The visit, planned since last year to coincide with the institution’s 45th year of existence, was postponed multiple times due to other presidential commitments including the COP conference and the December 7 incidents.

Yesterday Governor Caroline Abel, First Deputy Governor Brian Commettant and Second Deputy Governor Jenifer Sullivan welcomed the Head of State to their workplace.

During an hour, the President visited all eight departments that make up the Central Bank of Seychelles starting on the ground floor up to the third floor. These included the Financial Market Division, Financial Inclusion & Market Conduct Division, Financial Surveillance Department, Research and Statistics Division among others.

He interacted with each staff and learned about the importance and priorities of each department and how they contribute to the development of the Central Bank and the economics of Seychelles.

“The work that you do is very important and I am just here to continue to encourage you, so please keep up the good work,” said Mr Ramkalwan when addressing the People Function Division.

After the tour, the delegation then moved to the conference room where the staff outlined their new Strategic Plan of 2024-2028. The presentation started with a video explaining the function of the institution and the values that inspired the new document such as teamwork and integrity.

The strategic plan will end just in time for the institution’s 50th anniversary.

The President expressed his amazement at the plan with special reference to the part about political stability. “Political stability is the foundation,” he stated, reiterating his government’s full support towards the bank.

“You are a serious establishment were I was welcomed with open arms. I am very proud of you,” said Mr Ramkalawan.

The Head of State was presented a copy of the Strategic Plan 2024-2028. The visit ended with a souvenir photograph in front of the building.

The accompanying photos show some highlights of President Ramkalawan’s visit.


Anika Cathene

Photos by Kurtrine Albert/State House


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