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Prison service to hold its seventh annual observation of Nelson Mandela Day  |20 January 2024

Prison service to hold its seventh annual observation of Nelson Mandela Day 

The Minister for Internal Affairs, Errol Fonseka, attending a previous Nelson Mandela Day event at the University of Seychelles

 Roundtable discussions on prison operations to be held with stakeholders


The Seychelles Prison Service (SPS), under the leadership of Commissioner Raymond St Ange, is gearing up to celebrate Nelson Mandela Day, observed internationally on July 18 each year.

The SPS has used the occasion to further communicate its work and  progress to date as it continues to align and ensure its operations to the internationally recognised ‘Nelson Mandela Rules’ for the humane treatment of prisoners, a UN minimum standard.

“This will be our seventh year consecutive since we launched this initiative,” said Elsa Nourrice, Principal Probation Officer and Head of the SPS Psychosocial Support and Rehabilitation Department.

“This time we will be holding a roundtable of invited guests, representing various backgrounds, to discuss prison operations, and our 2024 - 2029 strategic plan,” she added.

The work and direction of the SPS becomes ever more critical as dynamics change within the country impacted by the effects of illicit drugs and the addiction caused and as a result distressing communities.





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