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New Year resolutions (Part 2) |05 January 2024

New Year resolutions (Part 2)

Mrs Abrams (with Seychelles flag)

‘Cheers to more circling and sisterhood in 2024’ – Nicola Abrams


For the President of Ladies Circle Seychelles, Nicola Abrams, 2023 brought about great changes in communities where many used their natural gifts and creativity, leading to an increase in e-commerce, restaurants, cafes, and other businesses.

The local branch of the international, modern, vibrant, friendship club for women teamed up with another active organisation, Round Table Seychelles, to work on various projects and initiatives.  Mrs Abrams described it as “a significant milestone for both our clubs” as she praised the friendship between the two, one which she said was built on “a foundation of trust, mutual respect, and a shared commitment to community service”.

The Ladies Circle Seychelles was active in various activities including a march in May themed ‘Never Forgotten’, as part of its ongoing national initiative, ‘Project Papillon’, which advocates for increased support and awareness on pregnancy loss.

The platform also brought its support in the aftermath of the December 7 disasters, which Mrs Abrams said showed the true character of the people.

“Above all, the community rallied behind each other in times of need, reminding us all that we are still a nation, flying the ‘kreol’ spirit of camaraderie as seen in December after the explosion.” 

As she cheers to more circling and sisterhood in 2024, Mrs Abrams has called on everyone to “remember that hope is powerful when it is carried by a willing heart”.

“2023 served as a wake-up call to take action and lay a better foundation for the future. Together, we can create better days for ourselves and our communities,” she stated.


Sunny Esparon

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