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SNAP sends New Year message |03 January 2024

“As we usher in the New Year and bid farewell to 2023, we stand in solidarity with the people of Seychelles, filled with hope, resilience, and determination. Despite the trials we have faced, we firmly believe in the positive spirit of our nation to overcome them all. The Seychelles National Alliance Party (SNAP) extends heartfelt wishes to all Seychellois, Seychelloise, and others residing in Seychelles for a happy and prosperous New Year in 2024. We pray for unity, peace, and progress for our people and our beloved Seychelles. Together, let us pave the way towards a brighter future for every individual and our country.

“Wishing you all a Happy New Year, and may God bless Seychelles!”


Seychelles National Alliance Party (SNAP)

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