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Local firm Chaka Brothers reaches out to the community   |14 December 2023

Local firm Chaka Brothers reaches out to the community   

A souvenir photograph with residents of the La Retraite home for the elderly

Local company Chaka Brothers made two generous donations yesterday as part of its ongoing contributions towards the community.

The company’s representative, Abdul Gafoor Yakub, was initially at the North East Point home for the elderly yesterday morning to hand over a set of donation consisting of NIDO milk powder and glucose powder that will be used by residents of the home, managed by the health ministry.

He then moved to the La Retraite home to hand over a consignment of cooking oil to Liza Cadeau, the director of the homes for the elderly in the Family department.

Mrs Cadeau confirmed the large donation of sunflower and corn oil will be shared among nine homes for the elderly and those in need of immediate assistance following the calamity of December 7.

This is not the first time that Chaka Brothers, as a family business, has reached out to help the local community.

The company stated that as a small island state, we need to learn from our senior citizens’ older values which reverberate the true Seychellois culture where we used to uphold and maintain an eye, not an intrusive eye, but a distant eye, on our neighbour’s welfare.

At this difficult time that our country is going through, it is the love and care that will get us through the catastrophe.  

Mr Yakub said: “These gifts are being given from the heart without expectation of anything in return, except for the residents’ best wishes and prayers.”

Let us hope that such acts of kindness are so well appreciated that they cement friendship, respect and good neighbourliness.



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