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Open Government Partnership initiative |01 December 2023

Open Government Partnership initiative

The meeting in full swing

Vice-President Afif chairs second meeting of the Seychelles National Multi-stakeholder Committee


Vice-President Ahmed Afif chaired the second meeting of the Seychelles National Multi-Stakeholder Committee for the Open Government Partnership (OGP) at State House.

The main item on the Committee’s agenda was to discuss nine (9) project ideas that were proposed by citizens to be part of the second country National Action Plan in line with Seychelles’ membership commitment to OGP. 

The nine ideas selected by civil society actors during a workshop on the OGP co-creation process on October 25 and 26, 2023 are linked to issues that are of importance or concern to them. 

Between October 26 and November 29, 2023, nominated civil society actors undertook discussions with government entities to explore the feasibility and relevance of the identified areas to the government priorities. These areas were:

  • Implementation of the Fisheries Transparency Initiative (FiTI);
  • Creation of an E-Engagement portal to increase citizen responsiveness;
  • Creation of a National Integrity Coalition;
  • Civic Space & Citizens Engagement;
  • Digital Transformation and Connecting People;
  • Improving the quality of education;
  • Employee Wellness and Empowerment Policy;
  • Social inclusion of vulnerable groups;
  • Managing alcohol consumption for a healthy and productive nation.

After lengthy discussions, the Committee which is responsible for development of the National Action Plan agreed that some of the ideas may be merged for more effective implementation.  The proposal to work on social inclusion of vulnerable groups was deferred to be taken up at a later date. 

The following seven areas will be presented to the cabinet of ministers for consideration and approval of the final set of Commitments that will be translated into the Seychelles National OGP Action Plan to create a more inclusive, participatory and transparent government.

  • Implementation of the Fisheries Transparency Initiative (FiTI)
  • Citizens Participation Platform Project
  • Creation of a National Integrity Coalition
  • Digital Transformation and Connecting People
  • Improving the quality of Education
  • Employee Wellness and Empowerment Policy
  • Managing alcohol consumption for a healthy and productive nation

The National Multi-stakeholder Committee is also responsible for the monitoring of the implementation of the action plan; proactively support reforms that go beyond the OGP process; promote openness in innovative ways; support initiatives that work in parallel to the action plan; participate in peer learning opportunities within the country and internationally; and, mobilise and sustain diverse resources.

The second National Action Plan (2024-2025), which will be submitted to the OGP Secretariat by December 31, 2023 will be launched for implementation in January 2024.

The Open Government Partnership which was launched in 2011, is a gathering of government reformers and civil society leaders to create action plans that make governments more inclusive, responsive, and accountable.

Seychelles is one of the 76 countries which make up the OGP global platform.  Seychelles joined the Open Government Partnership in 2018 and implemented its first National Action Plan between 2019 and 2021. 


Press release from the Office of the Vice-President



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