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Minister Francourt’s message on Universal Children’s Day – November 20, 2023 |20 November 2023

Minister Francourt’s message on Universal Children’s Day – November 20, 2023

Minister Francourt

‘For every child, every right’

“The theme for Universal Children’s Day 2023 – ‘For every child, every right’ – reminds us of our roles in respecting our children and ensuring their safety
“The importance of the day lies in its significant emphasis on the Convention of the Rights of the Child that has created the framework to recognise the importance of the well-being and protection of children to have a healthy childhood years and thrive within a safe and loving family environment.
“Let us be reminded that we all have an integral responsibility, through our varied positions, in influencing a better world for our children. As rightly said by Nelson Mandela ‘each of us, as citizens, has a role to play in creating a better world for our children’. All children need to be valued, safeguarded and nurtured irrespective of their personal and cultural differences.
“Parents, as primary care givers, let us not be too busy to demonstrate to our children that we believe in them despite their shortcomings. Professionals providing services to our children, let us strive to always be attentive to the needs of our children, in line with our different mandates. Decision-makers have a duty to reinforce policies that will improve the wellbeing of the most vulnerable children. Civil societies and religious communities, let us also be supportive through informal service provision.
“To you dear children, the Convention on the Rights of the Child sets out a number of rights to safeguard you. As you celebrate your rights, you need to be conscious of fulfilling your responsibilities as young citizens to have full enjoyment of those rights. You have to be mindful of the dangers within your surroundings which can lead you astray. Be prudent not to spoil your childhood through bad decisions and involvement in undesired practices and risky behaviours.
“As you grow older, remain focus on your priorities to make the most of your education with the help of your teachers and parents. Promote and live the good values that will make you resilient to withstand negative influences. As you pave your future, do not be blinded by the negativity and destructions around you; instead be inspired by the good role models and values.
As a country, we pledge to continue to create the conducive environment that will allow you to develop your full potential to attain your goal in life.
“Happy Universal Children’s Day.”

Patricia Francourt
Minister for Employment & Social Affairs

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