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2024 budget   |09 November 2023

2024 budget   

Messrs Shah (left) and Commettant during the press interview

‘Capital projects to be funded are in line with country’s development plan’


Capital projects appearing in the 2024 budget for funding are in line with government’s development plan for the country.

The deputy comptroller general in the Ministry of Finance, National Planning and Trade, Jude Commettant, made the statement yesterday afternoon at the ministry’s headquarters, Liberty House, during a press interview on the Public Sector Investment Programme (PSIP) projected for 2024-2026 listed in the 2024 budget that was delivered on November 3, 2023 by Minister Naadir Hassan.

Also present was the chief executive of the Seychelles Infrastructure Agency (SIA), Jitesh Shah.

Mr Commettant said that most of the projects listed for implementation in 2024 have, through the inter-ministerial committee, undergone various vetting procedures before the final approval by cabinet, based on a priority basis, for inclusion in the budget.

He noted that projects that are in line with the country’s development programme and are more prepared for immediate implementation get priority for government budget funding.

It is to be noted that R1.4 billion, which also includes R500 million of foreign financing, has been allocated in the 2024 budget for PSIP projects in terms of on-going and new projects. The main three portfolios for the budget allocation is Ministry of Land and Housing (R421.3 million), followed by the Ministry of Transport (R275.7 million), the Ministry of Education (R142 million) and the President’s Office (R81 million).

Mr Commettant said that the budget allocation forecast for PSIP in 2025 and 2026 will be R1.8 billion and R1.9 billion respectively.

He added that the increase in the budget for PSIP in 2025 and 2026, is mostly as a result of increase in foreign financing, and is due to the government’s intention to increase on capital expenditure for the medium term as a result of more fiscal space, which will be available for such capital projects to take place. He noted that rate in local financing for 2024 and 2025 remains.

For his part, Mr Shah said that as the country imports 80% of all construction materials, the cost in construction, which will be in high demand, will depend on external factors as we do not produce those materials apart from local crusher products.

The main projects for 2024 for the different portfolios are as follows:

- President’s Office: construction of jetty for the Seychelles Defence Forces (R13.5 million foreign financing), construction of National Archives (R5 million), construction of Admin Block (R10.7 million)

-  Ministry of Youth, Sports and Family: construction works Unity Stadium (R5.5 million), construction of indoor court Anse Royale (R15.6 million foreign financing), other sports infrastructure (R10 million)

- Ministry of Internal Affairs: construction of marine police facilities (R42.06 million foreign financing), construction of a medium to low risk accommodation for prisoners (R6.4 million), construction of Perseverance Police Station (R5 million)

- Ministry of Education: new block La Rosière primary school project (R18 million), renovation of existing block La Rosière primary (R6.2 million), La Digue school project (R83 million funded by foreign financing), construction of Anse Royale creche (R4.5 million), Glacis primary school renovation (R3.5 million)

- Ministry of Transport: West Coast road infrastructure project (R202.3 million partially funded by foreign financing), new lane Ile du Port to IOT junction (R4 million), second phase Grande Rivière road project (R4 million), widening of St Louis-Beau Vallon road (R4 million)

- Ministry of Agriculture, Climate Change and Environment: complete renovation Victoria Market (R6.3 million), construction of an abattoir (R5 million), government PV rooftop project (R14.5 million foreign financing), improvement of road infrastructure projects (R2.7 million)

- Ministry of Employment and Social Affairs: Youth Hope Residential Centre project (R15 million)

- Ministry of Investment, Entrepreneurship and Industry: phase 2 infrastructure development on Eve Island (R30 million), bulk road infrastructure (R5.18 million)

- Ministry of Local Government and Community Affairs: district small projects (R26 million), community road projects (R10 million), Cascade community centre project (R5 million), Les Mamelles day care centre project (R2 million), Ile Perseverance DA’s office project (R4 million)

- Ministry of Health portfolio: construction of Medical Assisted Treatment Clinic (R14.5 million), renovation of Anse Boudin centre for addiction (R3 million), renovation of ex-NIHSS (R11.3 million), renovation of BSA hospital (R4.5 million), new Central Medical Store project (R5 million), Baie Lazare Health Centre project (R4.8 million)

- Ministry of Land and Housing: ongoing housing projects (R190.5 million), vulnerable repair projects (R10 million), new housing projects (R35 million partially funded through foreign financing), 128 mid-range condos (R15 million), special housing projects (R10 million), ongoing land Bank projects (R17.2 million), new land bank projects (R20.2 million).


Text & photo by Patrick Joubert


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