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Muslim council explains reasons for leaving Sifco |04 November 2023

The National Muslim Council of Seychelles (NMCS) has issued an official statement regarding its recent decision not to renew its membership on the Seychelles Inter-Faith Committee (Sifco).

The statement reads:

“To provide some background and context, it is important to note that Sifco was established after the Interfaith Committee Against Substance Abuse (Icasa). Icasa primarily focused on addressing social issues, particularly the growing threat of illicit drug use in the country. It offered counselling services to individuals struggling with addiction and engaged in related activities. Icasa consisted of representatives from various religious beliefs, including the Seventh Day Adventist, the Bahai society, the Roman Catholic Church, the Anglican Church, Islamic organisations, and others. Over time, Icasa evolved into what is now known as Sifco.

Meanwhile, the Islamic faith in Seychelles has been experiencing significant growth, leading to the establishment of more Islamic organisations. In response to this, the NMCS was formed in 2019 as an umbrella organisation with the aim of uniting all legal, legitimate, and active local Islamic groups while respecting their autonomy as independent associations. The creation of NMCS was intended to represent, enhance, and uphold the spiritual and moral well-being of the Muslim community in Seychelles.

“Presently, the NMCS comprises four affiliated Islamic associations, providing the Islamic community in Seychelles with a more focused and coordinated representation. It operates under its own Constitution.

“Given the previous representation of the Islamic community on Icasa and later Sifco, and the subsequent changes that occurred, NMCS theologians conducted a thorough examination of Islamic jurisprudence regarding their continued association with and operations within

Sifco. It was ultimately concluded that certain practices were not in line with Islamic principles, compromising the purity of their religion, Islam.

“As a result, from April this year, NMCS engaged in discussions with Sifco regarding the decision not to renew its membership. Sifco fully understands the reasons behind NMCS' non-renewal and respects their decision. Nevertheless, NMCS remains committed to combatting social issues and providing assistance to Seychelles whenever called upon.”




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