Lions Club International district governor calls on VP Afif |03 November 2023

Presentation of mementoes
Vice-President Ahmed Afif welcomed the Lions Club International District Governor 411A for Kenya, Ethiopia and Seychelles, Joyce Ndegwa yesterday at his office, State House.
Mrs Ndegwa was accompanied by Dr Samson Ndegwa who also served as district governor from 2002-2003, and as council chairperson in 2003-2004.
Region chair Dr K Viveg and the chairperson of the Seychelles Centennial Women Lions Club Doris Belle were also present at the meeting.
The meeting started with a symbolic lion roar by all Lions Club members who were in attendance.
VP Afif thanked the Lions Club of Seychelles for all their help in making a difference in the country adding that the projects undertaken are well appreciated.
He was presented with a few souvenirs which included a friendship banner, a lapel pin and a pen, as well as a golden lion.
Mr Afif was also invited to become an honorary member of the Lions Club of Seychelles.
He assured the members that the government will do whatever it can on its side to help the clubs in Seychelles deliver on their mandate.
There are three clubs in Seychelles – Melvin Jones Fellows-Lions Club of Seychelles, Lions Club of Seychelles and Seychelles Centennial Women Lions Club, and a new one formed earlier this week called, Leo Club.
The district governor praised the clubs in Seychelles for being very vibrant adding that they are working hard towards the lions clubs’ international goals.
Our motto is to serve, and with the help of the government we can penetrate in areas that the government is also trying to reach, she said.
Speaking to the press after the meeting, Mrs Ndegwa said the discussions centred on partnership between the government and the Lions Club of Seychelles.
Mrs Ndegwa’s visit is to also provide support and encouragement to the clubs in Seychelles.
Zone chair, Dhana Sasikumar, who oversees the welfare of all members in terms of projects, difficulties they are encountering among others also spoke to the press on the various projects undertaken by the clubs.
“In terms of projects, we rather believe in quality of projects instead of quantity. The projects we have worked have benefitted the disabled and elderly people as well as orphanages,” she said.
“We have just signed a contract to construct a bus shelter for the district of Mont Buxton, and we are working on a project to donate books to the National Library. We also get involved in diabetic projects, screenings as well as spending time with the elderly people.”
“Our approach is a holistic one and we work to make a positive impact in the society.”
Ms Sasikumar also spoke on the partnerships with the various ministries especially with health, education and environment.
“For example when we talk about diabetes, we always knock on the doors of the Ministry of Health to see how the Lions’ Club can lend a hand whenever there are projects to be carried out. In terms of education, the Spelling Bee competition has become a popular activity that we have launched to encourage our young ones in their learning.”
We have also done a lot in terms of the environment such as tree planting and clean-ups, she added.
Mandy Bertin
Photos by Joena Meme