Seychelles Prison Service launches ‘Gem in them’ initiative |21 October 2023

The signing of the MoU
Sign memorandum of understanding with St Elizabeth Convent
The Seychelles Prison Service signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the St Elizabeth Convent yesterday to support and collaborate with the residence on a unique initiative dubbed ‘Gem in them’.
Prison commissioner Raymond St Ange explained that “Our ‘Gem in them’ programme aims to bring out the best in persons and especially the youth. For this a solid team of eight staff will participate, where permitted and authorised, as big brothers and sisters for the youth residents”.
The six-month programme will be on a pilot basis from October 20, 2023 to April 20, 2024.
The officers who will be facilitating the programme are Audrey Sally, Merna Valmont, Guyan Anthony, Michael David, Chanella Adam, Marie-Antoinette Lepathy, James Faure and Donald Zialor.
Commissioner St Ange shared that the idea came after spending some time with the sisters and wards at the Foyer de Nazareth on Prison Service day recently.
“On that day, we helped to clean up the playground, had a bouncy castle for the kids, and painted fire stations for your installed fire extinguishers.”
The same day, the officers gave their commitment to assist with minor repairs and maintenance, and spend time with children at the Foyer.
“Seychelles Prison has other projects for the foyer and we are proposing two specific outings, namely a picnic day and to the movies to watch a children’s movie. We also plan to have Father Christmas visit the kids with some goodies just before Christmas,” revealed Commissioner St Ange.
Despite a 28% increase in the prison population, Commissioner St Ange emphasised that he is determined to reverse this trend and spoke about the importance of community involvement in addressing the negativity within the community.
“It takes a community to help change the negativity in the community and our aim through our community service projects, is to do just that.”
They are working closely with the social workers on this project.
Prison Service will also assist with the maintenance of homes under the ongoing ‘Phoenix Project’, a rehabilitation programme that allows inmates to serve the community.
Vidya Gappy
Photos: Joena Meme