Baháʼís celebrate Twin Anniversaries in Seychelles |17 October 2023

The Baha'is of La Digue
Every Faith celebrates the birth of its founder with great joy – but the Baháʼís around the world double that joy when they observe the Twin Holy Days. Baháʼís celebrate the births of both the Báb and Baháʼu’lláh, the two prophets associated with the Baháʼí revelation on October 16 and 17.
A ‘Manifestation of God’ is a Baháʼí concept used to define an intermediary between God and humanity, or what is commonly referred to as a Messenger or Prophet. The term ‘Twin Manifestations’ refers to the unprecedented Revelation of the Báb and Baháʼu’lláh in rapid succession of one another, whose Revelations released the spiritual forces destined to transform society. They were two years apart but their birthdays were one day apart.
The Báb, a descendant of the Prophet Muhammad, born in 1819, declared His divine mission in 1844. His wife witnessed the moment of His revelation and His transfiguration. His Faith burned bright for six years, until His martyrdom at the young age of 31 in 1850 after almost 6 years of imprisonment, and the martyrdom of some 20,000 of his followers. Though the Báb was a Prophet God, He also perceived Himself to be the Gate to the second Manifestation.
Among the devoted followers of the Báb was Baháʼu’lláh, meaning the Glory of God. Born in 1817, Baháʼu’lláh was a descendant of Abraham and Jesse and of the line of Jesus. It was not until 1863, nineteen years after the inception of the Bábi Faith, that Baháʼu’lláh publicly declared Himself as not only the One promised by the Báb, thus yielding that Faith’s “destined fruit and revealing its ultimate purpose” but indeed, He proclaimed to be the Promised One of all Ages. The Holy Spirit in the form of a heavenly maiden, descended upon him in 1952, in an underground dungeon in Tehran, bound in heavy chains, his feet in stocks. Baháʼís believe that:
“To Israel He was neither more nor less than the incarnation of the “Everlasting Father”, the “Lord of Hosts” come down “with ten thousands of saints”; to Christendom Christ returned “in the glory of the Father,” to Shi’ah Islam the return of the Imam Husayn; to Sunni Islam the descent of the “Spirit of God” (Jesus Christ); to the Zoroastrians the promised Shah-Bahram; to the Hindus the reincarnation of Krishna; to the Buddhists the fifth Buddha.”
“All the peoples of the world are awaiting two Manifestations, who must be contemporaneous; all wait for the fulfillment of this promise. In the Bible the Jews have the promise of the Lord of Hosts and the Messiah; in the Gospel the return of Christ and Elijah is promised. In the religion of Muhammad there is the promise of the Mihdi and the Messiah, and it is the same with the Zoroastrian and the other religions.”
For this reason, both the Báb and Baháʼu’lláh are revered as central figures of the Baha’i Faith. Together these twin Luminaries would usher in an age of peace and justice promised in all the world’s religions. They renewed the essential moral and spiritual guidance, brought new knowledge, amended and introduced new material, physical and social laws and laid the principles for a New World Order based on the vision: ‘The world is but one country and mankind its citizens’.
“It has been prophesied that sometime during the dispensation of Baháʼu’lláh that would last 1000 years from 1852, the earth will be transformed, the world of existence will be renewed. Justice and truth will encompass the world; enmity and hatred will disappear; all causes of division among peoples, races and nations will vanish; and the cause of union, harmony and concord will appear.”
In honour of this special occasion, the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baháʼís of Seychelles conveyed a heartfelt message to both its members and the broader Seychellois community. The message emphasises the profound impact of the Twin Manifestations of God, whose lives and teachings have left an enduring legacy on the fabric of human history. These teachings offer a vision of unity, love, and understanding, symbolising a divine promise: the realisation of a unified global community where people of all races and religions coexist in harmony, mutual respect, and love.
“As we commemorate the Birth of the Báb and the momentous day of the Birth of Bahá'u'lláh, we are reminded of the profound teachings they brought to humanity. Bahá'u'lláh, in particular, brought forth a divine plan for the establishment of the long-awaited unity of the entire human race. His clarion call to transcend our differences, to overlook our prejudices, and to embrace each other as one united family is as relevant today as it has ever been.”
The message goes on to acknowledge the diverse cultures and faiths that make up the beautiful islands of Seychelles, embodying the vision of unity in diversity. To the Bahá'ís of Seychelles, the message extends wishes for solace and inspiration during these sacred days and encourages the community to come together in fellowship and service, embodying the teachings of the Twin Manifestations in daily life through acts of kindness, love, and unity.
The message also addresses the wider population of Seychelles, acknowledging that while these days hold unique significance for the Bahá'ís, the essence of their teachings is relevant to all of humanity. The message expresses the hope that the spirit of these celebrations can enhance collective efforts in building a more inclusive, peaceful, and harmonious community. The National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Seychelles hopes that these celebrations can serve as a beacon of hope, rekindling the flame of unity, peace, and love in everyone.
In closing, the message extends joyous and spiritually uplifting wishes for the celebration of the Twin Holy Birthdays to the Bahá'ís and offers heartfelt wishes of peace, unity, and prosperity to every soul in Seychelles.
The accompanying photos show highlights of the celebration by the Bahá'ís from the local communities in various districts on Mahé, Praslin, and La Digue.