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Lospitalite Lafyerte Award |07 October 2023

Lospitalite Lafyerte Award

Part of the team

Bravo restaurant celebrates its success


Bravo Restaurant in Seychelles has clinched the coveted title of ‘Best Restaurant’, marking a momentous achievement for owner and restaurateur Brett Saunders. Reflecting on the restaurant's journey, Brett Saunders emphasises the crucial role played by past and present staff members in shaping Bravo's success over the past 14 years. From its humble beginnings with only 8 employees, Bravo has grown significantly, now employing 62 individuals, with 80 percent of them being Seychellois. The restaurant has expanded its menu, notably introducing a Sushi bar in 2022.

Participating in the Lospitalite Lafyerte programme for the first time this year, Mr Saunders encourages fellow restaurateurs to join the initiative.

“I have been in the business for 30 years and I have learnt a lot and all my staff learnt something during the trainings from Terry Lablache. It is about refreshing your knowledge and the staff came up with new and innovated ideas. It must have worked as we went away with Gold!”

Mr Saunders acknowledges the tremendous effort and dedication of his staff members, particularly those behind the scenes, such as the chef and kitchen staff.

“Retaining staff is no easy feat, but we have implemented various in-house incentives and attendance programmes. Chef Berard Lalande has been with me since day one, and I am fortunate to have five other staff members who have been on this journey with me since the beginning. I have always said that hundreds of young Seychellois have passed through Bravo's kitchen and gone on to excel elsewhere. Chef Lalande has been a mentor to many, teaching them the ropes of a busy kitchen. We also offer comprehensive in-house training programmes for chefs, and aspiring culinary enthusiasts are always welcome.”

Maintaining impeccable cleanliness standards is paramount at Bravo, especially when dealing with the thousands of pieces of cutlery used on a busy night.  Mr Saunders emphasises that “when everyone is passionate about their role, implementing such practices becomes smoother”. Looking ahead to 2024, Saunders hopes that Bravo will claim even more than its current two awards.

Addressing the challenges posed by the pandemic, Mr Saunders notes that businesses in Seychelles, like others worldwide, faced difficult times. However, Seychelles rebounded relatively quickly.

“Have we fully recovered? I would say we are getting there. But we have learned how fragile we can be, and circumstances can shift rapidly. The hospitality industry is particularly sensitive to global challenges. To stay ahead and recover, we must constantly innovate and devise better ideas.”

Shortly after the pandemic, Bravo opened its Sushi Bar, which initially presented challenges. “We had invested in this new project, and then Covid-19 hit, forcing us to close temporarily. Thankfully, we were permitted to offer take-away service, allowing us to maintain the building and manage our stock. With the Sushi bar, we noticed a shift in dining habits, especially among younger diners. Contrary to the perception that sushi is primarily raw fish, half of our menu features cooked fish, crab, and more.”

Mr Saunders is excited to announce upcoming changes to the restaurant's décor, set to surprise its customers, with new concepts introduced before the end of 2023.

Born in South Africa, Brett Saunders hails from a family deeply rooted in the hospitality industry. “My grandparents were hoteliers, and my parents were restaurateurs. This is essentially all I have ever known. I started working in restaurants from a young age and even operated a few of my own. In the late 1990s, I franchised ‘Mug and Bean’ and ran three to four London stores for five years. Eventually, I returned to South Africa to establish ‘Bravo’, and after about four years, I wanted Seychelles’ sea, sand, and sun. I am thrilled to say it was a wise move, and I cherish every moment here. My passion for the food industry is well-known and my other great passion is the sea. When I am not working, you will find me indulging in various sea-related activities.”

Bravo prides itself on being a family-oriented restaurant, hosting special events like birthdays, office parties, and engagement parties, festive programmes for Christmas and New Year among others. It does not celebrate Halloween but it makes available treats for children.

What sets Bravo apart from other restaurants, according to Mr Saunders, is “consistency”. This, along with exceptional service and customer experience, has earned it its accolades. “During the last fourteen years, we have seen couples coming here to dine and now they come with their child/children. We look forward to celebrating the weddings of ‘Bravo babies’ in the coming 14 years,” added the owner.

The restaurant has successfully shed its former image as solely a tourist destination, with 75 percent of its customers now being Seychellois. Bravo's culinary journey continues, as it remains committed to keeping its clients satisfied and exploring the latest food trends.

“At Bravo, our ethos are friendship, delectable cuisine, and an inviting ambiance,” stated Mr Saunders.


Vidya Gappy

Photos: Contributed


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