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International Day for Older Persons (October 1)   |30 September 2023

Seychelles United Movement calls for stronger policies that safeguard the rights and well-being of our older persons


“The Seychelles United Movement comes together to celebrate the UN International Day for Older Persons, an occasion that highlights the invaluable contributions of older individuals to our society and emphasises the importance of social democracy in ensuring their well-being and dignity.

“As we commemorate this day, it is essential to recognise that older persons have played pivotal roles in shaping our communities, cultures, and economies. Their wisdom, experience, and resilience have enriched our lives in countless ways. Moreover, our older persons continue to contribute actively to our societies, whether through work, volunteering, or sharing their knowledge with younger generations.

“This year's celebration carries the banner of social democracy; a philosophy that emphasises the values of equality, justice, and inclusivity and a philosophy embraces by the Seychelles United Movement. Social democracy places a strong emphasis on providing universal access to essential services, such as healthcare, education, and social support systems, which are crucial for the well-being of older persons.

“To honour the UN International Day for Older Persons, the Seychelles United Movement implores the government and policymakers to implement and strengthen policies that safeguard the rights and well-being of our older persons, including affordable healthcare, social security benefits, retirement pension and accessible public services.

“The Seychelles United Movement further advocates for policies that promote economic security, access to affordable housing, active participation in decision-making processes regardless of age, foster connections between younger and older generations to promote understanding, empathy, and the sharing of knowledge and experiences, the creation of age-friendly environments that allow older individuals to live with dignity, independence, and social inclusion.

“The Seychelles United Movement condemns all age-related stereotypes and discrimination to our older persons in all aspects of life, including the workplace and healthcare systems.

“Under the banner of ‘Resilience of Older Persons in a Changing World’, which is the theme of the 2023 commemoration of the UN International Day of Older Persons, the Seychelles United Movement  calls upon the people of Seychelles to come  together on this day to celebrate the resilience, wisdom, and contributions of our older persons while reaffirming our commitment to building a society founded on the principles of social democracy, where every individual, regardless of age, can thrive and lead a life of dignity and fulfilment.”


Seychelles United Movement





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