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Chinese embassy in Seychelles celebrates China’s National Day |29 September 2023

Chinese embassy in Seychelles celebrates China’s National Day

Designated Minister Jean-François Ferrari (left) and National Assembly Speaker Roger Mancienne join Minister Radegonde and Mr Mu in cutting a cake to mark the occasion

In a grand celebration to mark the 74th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Chinese embassy in Seychelles hosted a reception at the Savoy Seychelles Resort & Spa on Wednesday evening.

The event, which was attended by esteemed guests, served as a platform for the chargé d'affaires, Mu Jianfeng, to deliver a speech highlighting China's remarkable journey over the past seven decades.

Mr Mu reflected on China's remarkable transformation and accomplishments in building a moderately prosperous society, creating rapid economic development and long-term social stability.

“Today, China is the second largest economy in the world with a GDP of 18 trillion USD. China is also ranked number one in terms of manufacturing capability, trade in goods, and foreign exchange reserve. In the past decade, China contributed more than 30 percent of global growth annually and became a major trade partner of more than 140 countries and regions.

“Since the inception of the year 2023, the Chinese economy had picked up evidently. In the first half of this year, the economic growth rate reached 5.5 percent, and trade volume of goods reached 20 trillion RMB. The Chinese economy enjoys strong resilience, tremendous potential, and great vitality. The fundamentals sustaining its long-term growth remain strong,” Mr Mu stated.

Mr Mu also shed light on China's diplomatic endeavours, noting that the purpose of China's diplomatic policy is to safeguard world peace and promote common development, with a view to building a community with a shared future for mankind.

He highlighted President Xi Jinping's Global Development Initiative (GDI), Global Security Initiative (GSI), and Global Civilisation Initiative (GCI), for which the objectives are to pool resources to accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, advocate the new vision of security, which is common, comprehensive, cooperative, and sustainable security, and encourage the exchanges and mutual learning among various civilisations.

Regarding China's commitment to Africa, Mr Mu remarked, that the top priority of China's diplomacy is to strengthen the solidarity and cooperation with Africa.

In a warm acknowledgment of the longstanding friendship between China and Seychelles, Mr Mu stated that the two states established diplomatic ties 47 years ago, and are mutually trusted brothers and partners, supporting each other in good times and in bad times.

“I am confident that, with concerted efforts of all, we can create an even brighter future for our bilateral relations, and elevate our mutually beneficial cooperation to a new high.”

In conclusion, Mr Mu reiterated China's commitment to upholding international norms, deepening cooperation in various sectors, and fostering a brighter future for the relationship between China and Seychelles.

On behalf of President Wavel Ramkalawan, the government, and the people of Seychelles, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Tourism, Sylvestre Radegonde, extended heartfelt greetings and congratulations to President Xi Jinping and the people of the People's Republic of China.

He noted that China's National Day stands as a testament to the rich history, extraordinary achievements, and enduring spirit of the Chinese nation.

“Seychelles and China share a long-standing friendship, which has grown stronger over the years. Our bilateral ties are built on mutual trust, respect, and a shared vision for a better future. China has been a steadfast partner in our development endeavours, offering valuable support and assistance in various fields. The cooperation between our two nations has yielded tangible results, contributing to the improvement of the lives of our people,” Minister Radegonde said.

“Our partnership, which spans several decades, encompasses diverse sectors, including capacity-building, healthcare, and infrastructure, to name but a few,” Minister Radegonde stated.

Capacity building has been a key component of the Seychelles-China cooperation since Seychelles gained independence. Many Seychellois have benefitted, and continue to benefit, from both long-term scholarships and short-term trainings offered by the Chinese government. Seven Seychellois have been accepted this year to pursue their university studies in China. Earlier in May, eight teachers from the technical and vocational education sector embarked on a transformative three-month training programme at Chinese institutions, followed by a second cohort of teachers at the beginning of the month.

Two personnel of the Seychelles Defence Forces (SDF) will be leaving for China this year to attend training programmes.

The partnership between the two states extends beyond education. Seychelles and China have taken substantial measures to strengthen the Seychelles Coast Guard, through targeted training and the provision of essential technical resources.

In the area of healthcare, China has supported Seychelles, donating state-of-the-art medical equipment and sharing invaluable medical expertise, especially through the deputation of Chinese medical specialists in such fields as cardiology, radiology, and orthopaedics.

Among other projects which China have funded include the Seychelles Broadcasting Corporation House, financed by a grant from China. This state-of-the-art broadcasting facility is expected to be a crucial support for the domestic media landscape.

Additionally, the Seychelles Police Force recently received a consignment of digital forensic equipment from China to enhance the proficiency and ability of the Police department. Forensic experts from China will be coming to Seychelles this year to set up the equipment and provide appropriate training.

Minister Radegonde seized the opportunity to reaffirm Seychelles’ commitment to further strengthening the bonds of friendship and cooperation between Seychelles and China, based on shared values and aspirations.

He noted that Seychelles fully supports and actively participates in the visionary Belt and Road initiative, which has the potential to generate significant economic and social benefits for all participating countries. Seychelles will be partaking in the Third Belt and Road Initiative Forum for International Cooperation next month in Beijing.

“As we commemorate China's National Day, it is crucial to acknowledge the significant role that China plays in promoting international cooperation, multilateralism, and global peace. China's active engagement in regional and international fora, such as the United Nations, reflects its commitment to upholding the principles of equality, dialogue, and respect for sovereignty. In this context, the Seychelles government reaffirms its unwavering support for the One China Policy which serves as a cornerstone of peace, stability, and constructive engagement in the international community,” Minister Radegonde concluded.


Laura Pillay

Photos: Contributed

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