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Sifco to host historic thanksgiving service on National Day |28 June 2023

Sifco to host historic thanksgiving service on National Day

The Seychelles Interfaith Council (Sifco) is organising a historic ‘Thanksgiving Service’ on National Day (June 29) at 9am at the International Conference Centre Seychelles (ICCS).

It will be held under the theme ‘Promoting Peace and National Unity’.

Usually for the National Day celebrations, Sifco is allocated 5 to 6 minutes for a spiritual reflection. According to the public relations officer of Sifco, Marion Gendron, “this time government suggested for Sifco to have a separate programme and have a reflection on national unity and promotion of peace. We got help with logistics, invitations, and national choir. The programme has been put together by Sifco”.

The programme will be attended by the head of state, Wavel Ramkalawan, the ministers and representatives of all religions.

Prayers, chants and readings from different Faiths will be said accompanied by the National Choir.

Sifco is inviting the public to attend this special thanksgiving ceremony and the programme will be aired live on SBC.


Vidya Gappy

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