65 SCAA staff complete the ‘Lospitalite, Lafyerte Sesel’ programme |06 June 2023

A souvenir photograph after the certificate presentation ceremony
Sixty-five Seychelles Civil Aviation Authority (SCAA) staff who have completed the ‘Lospitalite, Lafyerte Sesel’ programme received their certificate last week at the Payanke Lounge at the Seychelles International Airport.
Chief executive of SCAA, Garry Albert, explained that SCAA chose ‘Service Excellence’ as its motto and it is putting much emphasis on customer service. “Seychelles as a whole is a brand and we have to have the culture of service. As SCAA, we are the first ones welcoming the tourists and the last ones to bid them farewell. They come with five star airlines, they stay in five star hotels and we need to give them a five star welcome! We have to have the five star culture and it is a long way to go but we are on the right track.”
CEO Albert noted that soon they will have new facilities and they want to start having the five star attitude even before that.
“In the last 56 years we have grown a lot and we can see a net amelioration in our services – we do not take it for granted that everyone understands what customer service is. What we did in this training is basic courses on how to interact with tourists and others.”
Fred Bamboche, acting learning and development manager, explained that the course was conducted in collaboration with the department of Tourism.
“This programme gels well with our theme this year, thus SCAA decided to embark on the programme. Our department was looking into how to train our staff on customer service as we want to have a five star level of service at SCAA. We started the programme last year and we had three sessions this year. We want all our 700 staff to go through this programme. Our staff for Praslin will have another graduation ceremony.”
Customer service starts with us and Seychelles having an economy which is highly dependent on tourists, becoming more service oriented is a must!
Vidya Gappy
Photos: Louis Toussaint