Students attend first Youth Tuna Conference |23 May 2023

The first Youth Tuna Conference was organised last Friday by the committee responsible for the activities to commemorate World Tuna Day.
The conference took place at the ‘At Sea P.A.L.M.S’ restaurant, Ile Perseverance.
Two students and one teacher from all secondary schools across the country, Seychelles Maritime Academy and the Seychelles Institute of Technology were invited to take part in the one-day conference, where the objective was to educate and raise the level of interest of the participants in the different areas, jobs and responsibilities related to the tuna industry.
The students also got an overview of the career paths that the presenters took in order to reach the positions that they are in.
Various presentations and activities were organized by the SFA Research, Statistics and Economics, Fisheries management, Monitoring Control & Surveillance, and Product Development & Quality Assurance departments.
In addition, the department of Fisheries delivered a presentation about Policy in the fisheries sector.
The students also got the opportunity to see a whole tuna fish, sponsored by Kenneth and Melisa Joseph, and to participate in a contest to guess its weight. The winner was Junior Clair from Independent School, who was awarded the fish as his prize.
While International Tuna Day is on May 2, the activity was held at a later date when students were back in school after the holidays and to enable the participation of all the necessary departments.
The accompanying photographs show some highlights of the activity.