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Mortuary gets electric lifting trolley   |21 April 2023

Mortuary gets electric lifting trolley   

The handover of the trolley

Hunt Deltel Company in partnership with Spanish-based ‘Cia Europea de Tunidos SL’ have donated an electric lifting trolley and two masks to the Health Care Agency that will go towards its mortuary department.

It was the general manager of Hunt Deltel, Ronny Matatiken, who did the honours of handing over the equipment to the chief executive of the Health Care Agency, Dr Danny Louange, during a ceremony at the Red Roof Building of the Seychelles Hospital.

Also present at the short ceremony was the representative of Cia Europea de Tunidos SL, Roy Lorenzana.

Mr Matatiken explained that as part of Hunt Deltel’s contribution to the national health care system, the company had identified what was really needed and/or lacking in the mortuary and what their company could do to assist.

“Mortuary is a section which does not really get mentioned often or given the attention it deserves, despite the fact that it is a well needed section within the society. Even us as representatives of cruise ships, do make use of their services,” he said.

For his part, William Rabat, a senior mortuary assistant, said that he was very grateful to Hunt Deltel for making this donation. “This will help us immensely because we are handling heavy corpses and sometimes we have to get additional manpower to handle one body. This trolley will help us a lot,” he said.

He also stated that this donation will benefit the mortuary staff as it will prevent any strains in the future.

The purpose of the electric lifting trolley is for loading and unloading of bodies into the compartment chillers at the mortuary, to facilitate the daily work of the mortuary staff. The equipment is worth R120,000.00.


Diane Larame

Photos by Joena Meme

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