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AMPS elects new executive committee |25 February 2023

AMPS elects new executive committee

The extraordinary meeting in progress

Enticing youth to join the media will be one of its priorities


The Association of Media Practitioners Seychelles (AMPS) elected its fifth executive committee during an extraordinary meeting on Thursday at the Harbour Café Bar and Restaurant, Espace Building.

Rassin Vannier was re-elected for a third and final mandate and the vice-chairperson is Joana Nicette. Barbara Coopoosamy retains her post as treasurer, as well as Patsy Canaya who remains as secretary.

The ordinary members are Vidya Gappy, who has been re-elected as well, and two newly elected ones – Sedwick Nicette and Rita Gay.

During a brief chat with the press after the election, chairperson Vannier expressed his gratitude towards all the members who served on the executive committee of AMPS and who is fighting to keep having a free press in Seychelles.

“Now we should target the young people to come join the association and also look into having ‘Media Clubs’ in schools to entice the younger generation to join our noble profession. Nowadays it has become common for people to blame the media when things go wrong. This has to stop and the media should not be marginalised. The press in Seychelles should try to remain the reference!” Mr Vannier said.

Mr Vannier also talked about the 10th anniversary of AMPS in 2024 and the committee will be focusing on organising several activities starting this year.

Ms Canaya gave a brief on the various activities organised by the association such as meeting with the Seychelles Media Commission, one-day seminar at Club Med in collaboration with the French embassy on fake news and its impact on mainstream media, released some statements against attacks on journalists, held a meeting with President Wavel Ramkalawan and Vice-President Ahmed Afif, one day seminar with the collaboration of the French embassy on women in the media, a silent protest in town and end of year gathering.

The new executive committee thanked the two outgoing members – Carol Nicette and Gilly Jean – and welcomed the two new ones as well as all the members who were present at the extraordinary meeting.

AMPS is looking forward to working with you all to ensure that the media in Seychelles gets its due recognition.


Vidya Gappy

Photos: Louis Toussaint

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