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Seychelles celebrates National Protected Area Day |31 January 2023

Seychelles celebrates National Protected Area Day

Coral reef

Every year on January 31, we locally commemorate National Protected Area Day. As champions in conservation and management of protected areas, the Seychelles Parks and Gardens Authority uses the date to raise further awareness on the importance of protected areas of the country.

Responsible for five marine national parks, two terrestrial national parks, one special reserve, two gardens and a total of nine official trails, the Seychelles Parks and Gardens Authority (SPGA) undeniably has protection and conservation at the heart of its mandate and operations.

Much research and monitoring has been undertaken over the past years in regards to species, habitats and the biodiversity of the protected areas. As a key organisation in ensuring the preservation of the beloved pristine natural environment which attracts many visitors to our shores, the SPGA continues to maintain its position in safeguarding our protected areas. Providing direct and indirect income and livelihoods for much of the population, through the tourism industry, the eco-tourism continues to be the forefront offering of the Seychelles as a destination.

SPGA chief executive, Allen Cedras, highlights that “although we commemorate the special day once annually, as an authority we celebrate our protected areas every day. It is at the core of our mandate and functions. Through our regional and national partnerships, as well as the implementation of the Nature Reserves and Conservancy Act 2022, we are committed to conservation, research and monitoring, in addition to providing opportunities for recreation and leisure to tourists and visitors alike”.

Mr Cedras further added that although certain difficulties remain present to the authority, such as poachers, “we are making use of technology and innovation. Through the use of drones, we are now able to detect and spot poachers or unlawful activities which may occur within our jurisdiction”.

The SPGA urges all parks, trails and garden visitors to make the most of their experience and visit to these protected areas. They showcase the outstanding beauty and uniqueness of the flora and fauna of our island paradise.


Press release from the Seychelles Parks and Gardens Authority

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