‘Fer lekol gou,’ minister urges |24 January 2023

By Vidya Gappy
One thousand three hundred and thirty (1330) Secondary 1 (S1) students and 1340 Primary 1 (P1) pupils resumed school yesterday.
The forecast for this year is that from Crèche Year 2 to Primary 6, 9452 students will be at school whereas 5313 students will be admitted in Secondary 2 to Secondary 5 as from today.
The largest number of students in primary will be at La Rosière with 903 students followed closely by Plaisance with 882 students.
At secondary level, the largest number of students will be at Anse Royale with 701 students followed closely by Pointe Larue with 653 students.
The figures for Crèche Year 1 will be made available in two weeks’ time.
All dressed up in their new uniforms, new shoes/sandals and bags, most of the students were accompanied by their parents and they were all eager to know in which class they will be. The parents also were all attentive to the instructions of the head teachers and what is expected of them.
The Minister for Education, Dr Justin Valentin, who visited two schools – English River secondary and Belonie secondary – urged students, teachers and parents to ‘fer lekol gou’ (Make school fun/interesting).
Addressing the students during their first assembly, Minister Valentin congratulated them on their first day in a new school.
“At English River school, there are a few changes that are happening and that is why I decided to start the school year with you. As you are all dressed up so nicely, we want you to maintain that standard during the five years in secondary. What we are asking from you is to respect each other, respect your teachers and focus on learning and make school a fun place. This is my message for this year.”
Minister Valentin also asked the teachers to develop their children in all aspects – arts, music, sports – and to the students he asked them to suggest activities.
“I give my and my ministry’s commitment to support you in that. There are platforms also for parents to come together to support the children and the school and I invite parents to come forward to give a helping hand in moving the school forward.”
Minister Valentin, who was accompanied by the principal secretary for Education Services, Merna Eulentin; the director general for the Institutional Support Services Division, Bernard Arnephy; and the director of Education – Directorate for Resource Development, Dr Linda Barallon, also visited the newly built Belonie secondary school. Although not fully completed, the school got the license to operate.
“This year 450 students will join the new school and most of the classes are ready. There are some touch up to be done and by early February the school will be completed. In fact separation between the Belonie primary and Belonie secondary will also be made,” explained PS Eulentin.
“To start the first trimester of the year, we are happy to see many parents accompanying their children and we hope this continues. The theme the minister announced – ‘Fer lekol gou’ – is to create the right environment for children to learn. The activities that the teachers will bring forward will make schools more attractive.”
Regarding staff, PS Eulentin noted that some schools are understaffed but she has reassured the public and parents that the management has already made arrangements for the school to function properly.
Minister Valentin wished all students across Seychelles a very good year and urged them to enjoy school to the maximum.
The accompanying photos show some highlights of Minister Valentin’s visits to the Belonie and English River secondary schools.
Photos: Louis Toussaint