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SRC Commissioner resigns, effective January 27, 2023 |06 January 2023

SRC Commissioner resigns, effective January 27, 2023

Mrs Herminie

The governing board of the Seychelles Revenue Commission has announced that in consultation with the government, it has accepted the resignation of the Commissioner General, Veronique Herminie, and subsequent to discussions with her, it has been mutually agreed that her resignation will come into effect as from January 27, 2023.

In a press release issued yesterday, the SRC stated that Mrs Herminie joined the commission in September 2019 and has now opted to leave the organisation to move on in her career.

“A transition process and the recruitment of a successor to fill the position will be undertaken starting with immediate effect,” stated the press release.

It added that the Seychelles government and the governing board of the SRC express appreciation and gratitude for the years of service Mrs Herminie has given at the helm of SRC, an important institution of the country, and thank her for her dedication and achievements, and wish her success in her future endeavours.


Press release from SRC


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