Christmas wishes from our young readers |24 December 2022
‘May all children in the world receive a gift on that day’
As usual we ask our young readers what are their wish for Christmas and who is really behind Father Christmas and what gift they want. Their answers as usual will melt your heart.
Merry Christmas to you all!
Zoë Gurcharan, 6 ans
« Le Père Noël c'est lui qui apporte des cadeaux. Mon vœu est que tous les enfants reçoivent un cadeau pour la Noël. Pendant l’année je ne sais pas si j’ai été une bonne fille mais je sais que quelque fois non ! Pour la Noël, je veux une Barbie avec bébé et des poupées. »
Alizée Low Ken, 6 years
“Father Christmas is someone who gives to all the children and adults. My wish is for all children to be happy on that day and on other days. Hmmm!! I think I have been a good girl this year and I asked for a Barbie that makes pizza.”
Lexi Westergreen, 8 years
“Father Christmas is Santa Claus! My wish for this year is that all children and animals from Ukraine are flown to Seychelles on large aircraft and private jets. I hope Santa brings me a robot.”
Léa Mishka Aworer, 6 years
“Of course Father Christmas is Santa Claus. They are the same people and he is the one bringing gifts to all of us. I think I did behave during the year but sometimes I was not listening. I hope all children get what they wished for. For me I want a small singing and dancing Santa Claus.”
Liam Esther, 6 years
“Christmas i letan ou selebre e letan ou ouver kado le 25 Desanm. Bonnonm Nwel in pase i donn ou kado le 24. Bonnonm Nwel i en dimoun ki nou pa konnen. I sorti kot son lakaz kot i reste anler. Pour li anmenn kado i sot anba e i met kart ek kado dan tou lakaz. Mon’n demann li en bisiklet konman kado e mon pe esper le 24 vini.»
Dwayne and Zoey Jack, 4 years
The twins are looking forward to meet Santa and the biggest shock of their lives was they met two Santas during the week and they were both ladies. “Mama, I did not know that Santa was a lady. We both need and want watches as everyone at crèche knows the time and we do not! Mama will probably get a bracelet as gift if she does good…”
Abigail Cassime, 11 ans
“Le Père Noël est un personnage fictif et je ne crois pas en cette légende. Je crois j’ai bien travaillé pendant l’année et je pense que pour la Noël, j’aurai un cadeau. Mon souhait pour les enfants c’est qu’ils reçoivent tous un cadeau et que nous vivons tous en harmonie. »
Compiled by Vidya Gappy