Head teachers and deputies share good practices from their schools |24 November 2022

Minister Valentin addressing the gathering
For the first time, the head teachers and their deputies came together in a working session to share their respective schools’ good practices.
Yesterday was the first in the series of sessions that the educational services will organise whereby schools get the opportunities to share, discuss and learn from one another.
The Minister for Education, Dr Justin Valentin, shared that he always liked the idea of improving the intellectual atmosphere within the Ministry of Education.
“Getting people to reflect on what we are doing and at the same time to reflect on education itself. Throughout the year, I tried to create platforms to discuss various subjects. This event today brings all the head teachers and their deputies to share what they are doing and to feel part of a network and a community of practice which actually will help move the school forward. I fully endorse this idea. I would like to see more of these kind of activities,” noted Minister Valentin.
He also proposed to have a week activity every term where teachers/ education workers group to share good practices.
“I have been advocating for professional network and priority centers and I hope this becomes a common practice.”
Principal secretary Merna Eulentin recalled that earlier this year, in one of the minister’s announcement, he assured that the Ministry of Education will create a platform that will allow schools to share practices and find solutions for recurring issues.
“This event is the first step that we are taking to ensure that schools no longer work in silos but instead find themselves motivated to share what is happening at their schools. It is not a secret that sharing best practices is an excellent way to improve the performance and productivity of an organisation. Sharing best practices will help the schools fill knowledge gaps, generate creative and innovative ideas, improve efficiency, enables better decision making, encourage leadership among others.”
PS Eulentin stated that the ministry recognises that schools do have challenges and the head teachers or deputy head teachers have to play different roles in a day.
She hoped that this platform will help in finding solutions.
The following schools made a 20-minute presentation on their best practices: Mont Fleuri secondary, School of Advanced Level Studies, International School Seychelles, Beau Vallon secondary, Perseverance, Praslin secondary, La Digue school, Anse Royale secondary, Belonie secondary, Pointe Larue secondary, Anse Boileau secondary, English River secondary and Plaisance secondary.
Vidya Gappy