Ministry of Education receives donation of books from Shanghai |14 September 2019

Ministry of Education receives donation of books from Shanghai
As part of the twinning exchange programme between Shanghai and Victoria , a high-level delegation of 12 officials from the Shanghai Province in China made a donation of books yesterday to the Ministry of Education.
The books were presented under the Shanghai book donation project by the chairperson of the Standing Committee of the Shanghai People’s Congress, Yin Yicui to the Minister for Education and Human Resource Development, Jeanne Simeon.
The handover ceremony took place at the Ministry of Education and Human Resource Development, in the presence of the principal secretary for early childhood, primary and secondary education, Odile De Commarmond; the Chinese ambassador to Seychelles, Guo Wei; the Mayor of Victoria, David Andre; and a group of students from Mont Fleuri secondary school and four other Chinese delegates from the standing committee.
“This book will benefit students who wish to know more about the culture and traditions of China. It will broaden the view of our students and introduce them to a new culture that they may have not been familiar with,” said Minister Simeon.
The minister added that the collaboration between the two cities will benefit both parties through exchange of students.
The delegation also mentioned a joint partnership in their educational sector by providing exchanges, especially through the tourism sector for both Seychelles and Shanghai.
Mrs Yin added that they can provide support and guidance for the technical and vocational school for TVET students as there are many schools like this in Shanghai.
The book project will last for three years and the Shanghai book donation project will donate 500 books during its first year and thereafter 100 on an annual basis.
The books include a list of Chinese fairy tales for younger students as well as literature for the more advanced readers and have been translated into either English or French.
As a token of appreciation, Minister Simeon gave Mrs Yin a book on Seychelles.