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First online auction sale of government assets to take place next Tuesday |22 October 2022

First online auction sale of government assets to take place next Tuesday

Mr Commetant

The first online auction sale of 15 government vehicles will take place on Tuesday October 25, 2022, for three consecutive days, the Ministry of Finance, National Planning and Trade has announced.

It was the deputy comptroller general, Jude Commetant, who made the announcement during a press briefing yesterday afternoon at the ministry’s headquarters at Liberty House, on the new platform introducedfor the public auction sale of government assets that have been approved for disposal through public auction sale. The platform contains photos of the vehicles and information about them including the terms and conditions of the bidding process.

Also present for the press briefing was sworn auctioneer and appraiser Willis Pierre Prosper.

Mr Commetant explained that bidders will from Tuesday to Thursday next week, from 9am to 3.30pm, physically view the 15 light vehicles to be auctioned at the National Sports Council (NSC) hall.

Then they will have to consult the online platform, which will become operational on Tuesday October 25, to place their bids on as many vehicles on display.

All bidders will then be informed through email correspondence upon closing of the sale if they have been successful or not.

Winning bidders will be required to make the necessary payments and collect their winning bids on Friday October 28, 2022, at the ministry.

He stated that the bidding process during the three days will be streamed live via the platform where bidders will have the opportunity to see bids from other bidders to make counter bids.

Mr Commetant said the starting bid on the vehicles has been established by the ministry in consultation with competent vehicle evaluation companies in the country and Mr Prosper as an expert auctioneer and appraiser.

He called on members of the public with other intention to refrain from indulging in the bidding process if they have no interest as they will have to face the consequences of their actions if by any chance they win a bid that they had no intention of winning.

He stated that while the management staff of the ministry will not be entitled to make any bids, the junior staff will be allowed to participate.

He said the launch of the online auction sale website is the latest move by the ministry to bring technology in the public service and endorsing the government's ambition of developing the digital economy sector.

It is also to allow the participation of the wider public in the bidding process.

He further said the website will be used for the disposal of any government assets that have been approved for disposal.

He added that the ministry is looking forward to receiving payments online in the future.


Patrick Joubert


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