Mont Fleuri crèche gets makeover for new term |10 September 2019

The crèche pupils, teachers and members of the Shree Kutchi Leva Patel Samaj Seychelles association during yesterday’s ceremony
Pupils of the Mont Fleuri crèche have started the new term in a more comfortable, fresh and appealing environment now that new tiles have been laid out in their classrooms.
The facelift is an initiative of Shree Kutchi Leva Patel Samaj Seychelles which donated the tiles and laid them inside the classrooms during the August holidays.
Shree Kutchi Leva Patel Samaj Seychelles is an association that undertakes activities to enhance and increase the social and financial status of the community and promote the Indian language and culture.
At the start of the new term yesterday, during its special assembly to welcome back the pupils, the school’s management and pupils officially thanked the association members for this generous and welcoming gesture.
“It is a joy to stand here today and thank our wonderful donors for their generosity. We hope that other institutions will follow in their footsteps,” said Daniella Antat, head teacher of Mont Fleuri primary school.
“The tiled floors will be a great benefit as before there was carpet which collected dust and this was unfavourable for asthmatic pupils and furthermore we also found ourselves spending money every term to replace the damaged carpets,” said Sheila Mathiot, a crèche teacher.
The tiles and tiling works have amounted to some R120,000.
Anadu Raghvani, chairman of the association, said they are happy to be associated with such a project and said soon they will begin work to refurbish the school’s learning centre.