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Local personalities pay tribute to Queen Elizabeth II |10 September 2022

Several local personalities have expressed their sympathy following the death on Thursday of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, the United Kingdom’s longest-serving monarch.

In his message, former President Danny Faure says Her Majesty The Queen will be remembered for her “unwavering leadership, devotion and service to her country and peoples of the United Kingdom and beyond”.

“May she rest in peace and long be revered and remembered as an historic symbol of perseverance, grace, duty and stability,” says former President Faure in his message.

“I extend my sincere condolences to His Majesty The King Charles III, to the Royal Family and to the people of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,” concludes Mr Faure’s message.

On behalf of the National Assembly of Seychelles, Speaker Roger Mancienne expresses “the deep respect and condolences shared with the people of Seychelles at the passing away of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain”.

“Queen Elizabeth is a figure of importance to our institution in her role as Head of the Commonwealth and Patron of its Parliamentary Association, alongside her role as Head of State of the United Kingdom. We recognise the cardinal role she played in international affairs through her long reign, during which she has become a familiar figure in many countries including our own,” says   Speaker Mancienne.

“The Queen symbolised the values and aspirations of parliaments in the Commonwealth organisation which has been steadfast in the promotion of peace, democracy and human rights,” adds the Speaker.

“Our Assembly joins the numerous bodies throughout the world in paying tribute to a figure representing the shared interest of parliaments

everywhere. Our Assembly extends its solidarity with the Parliament and people of Great Britain at the loss of a figure of national identity and unity,” concludes Speaker Mancienne.

For his part, the leader of the United Seychelles party, Patrick Herminie, has described the Queen as “a well-respected world leader”.

“For over 70 years, she dedicated her life to the service of her country and people with exceptional dignity. She was steadfast in her beliefs and principles and a well-respected world leader,” says Dr Herminie in his message on behalf of his party.

“As the leader of the Commonwealth, Her Majesty provided firm leadership to our family of nations and oversaw progress and prosperity throughout her rein,” says Dr Herminie.

“The people of Seychelles will remember her as our former head of state and will cherish the fond memories of her visit to our beautiful islands in 1972.

“We wish to extend our heartfelt condolences to His Majesty King Charles III, the Royal family and the people of the United Kingdom. May her soul rest in eternal peace,” concludes Dr Herminie’s message.

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