Defence & Security Committee visits brass band unit |05 August 2022

The Defence and Security Committee (DSC) of the National Assembly has visited the brass band unit of the Seychelles Defence Forces at its base at the Coast Guard, Perseverance.
This visit is a continuation of activities planned for this year at the various defence and security units so that members of the committee can have first-hand knowledge to support the units and importantly to understand their needs in preparation for the upcoming 2023 Budget debate.
During the tour, which lasted for over an hour, starting with a presentation by Major Raoul, commandant for training, members were able to appreciate the strength of the unit and the issues that hinder the development of a professional brass band for Seychelles.
These matters start with the retention of musicians, recruitment, schemes of service, career progression and quantity of equipment, as well as the availability of space. The issues were very obvious just from observation and according to Major Raoul the necessary must be done soonest, starting with a scheme of service designed to accommodate the requirements of a National Brass Band.
The strengths observed by the committee were mainly the high level of talent of the members of the band, as well as their perseverance in staying on with the brass band amid the many difficulties they are faced with.
Major Raoul further highlighted that a first priority would be for the members to be recognised for their role and importance through the introduction of a proper scheme of service and further support for their professional development.
For the visit, the DSC was represented by its chairperson, Hon. Clifford Andre, vice-chairperson, Hon. François Adelaide, and other members, Hon. Sandy Arissol, Hon. Churchill Gill, Hon. Doyace Porice, Hon. Audrey Vidot and Hon. Michel Roucou.
The accompanying photos show some highlights of the visit.
Press release from the National Assembly secretariat