Zone 6, Providence |02 August 2022

The ministerial delegation during the site visit yesterday (Photo: Louis Toussaint)
Roadwork, drainage project stirs to life thirteen years on
By Patsy Canaya
The Ministry of Investment, Entrepreneurship and Industry is inviting contractors to bid for the roadwork and drainage project in Zone 6 at Providence as of today.
The announcement by Minister Devika Vidot was made yesterday afternoon following a site visit. She was accompanied by the Minister for Finance, National Planning and Trade, Naadir Hassan, and the chief executive of the Industrial Estates Authority (IEA), Roy Collie.
According to Minister Vidot, this project is getting under way thirteen years after the plan was drawn.
“From what we understand, tenants had actually collected money and paid a lump sum upfront to the authorities for this project but unfortunately nothing has happened since,” said Minister Vidot.
Speaking to Seychelles NATION, one of the tenants, Roland Hoarau, said the potholes, bumpy road and flooding in the area had affected their businesses over the years. He has welcomed the announcement by the IEA.
“We can now breathe a little as this has been a major issue for the past five years. The way the place is now deters clients from coming to the area as rainwater can sometimes reach up to 30 centimetres during heavy rain, and their vehicles are affected by the deep potholes,” said Mr Hoarau.
Speaking to Seychelles NATION, Mr Collie said IEA was proposing a 750-metre-long road in the area.
“We have received money for the first phase which includes putting asphalt and sorting out the drainage system to solve the flooding issue ahead of the rainy season in December,” he said.
The Ministry of Investment, Entrepreneurship and Industry has not revealed the cost of the project as it is opening tender bid as of today.
In its second site visit yesterday, the delegation also went to Zone 20 to see progress work on the ‘exit road’ being built to link Providence Industrial Estate to the highway.
According to Minister Vidot, this project was a priority as it is aimed at alleviating congestion in the Providence industrial estate.
The project also started nearly a decade ago but its initial contractor, Vijay Construction (Pty) Ltd, could not complete it. IEA had to cancel the initial contract and tender it out a second time, which according to Mr Collie set them back a year.
The project is now being undertaken by Turnkey Solutions managed my Wilson Nancy.
“We are starting with Zone 20 to sort out the congestion issue which worsens specially during lunch-breaks. It was important to have an alternative exit route out of Providence,” explained Minister Vidot.
IEA said an initial R32.8 million was budgeted but they now have to fork out an additional R18 million to complete the entire project.
Once the exit road is completed, IEA said it will move on to Zone 19, to sort out the problem of flooding, which occurs during heavy rains and high tide, and affect the buildings and equipment in the area.
Minister Vidot said her ministry has worked in close collaboration with the Ministry of Finance, National Planning and Trade to ensure they get the finance for all the projects and this includes collection of arrears from tenants in the area.
“It has not been easy on our sides but we have been serious about our revenue collection to prove to the Ministry of Finance that we were serious by sorting out our arrears and revenue collection. We have shown them we are disciplined and we can manage our money well and now they are more at ease to lend us the money we need for the project,” she concluded.
For his part Minister Hassan told Seychelles NATION he was satisfied with the progress so far and the ministry “is convinced the money is being put to good use”.
Both projects are expected to be completed by December this year.