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Airtel Seychelles opens newly built bridge at Golf Course   |27 June 2022

Airtel Seychelles opens newly built bridge at Golf Course   

Messrs Dina and Sewraj at the official opening of the bridge (Photo: Joena Meme)

A bridge which will considerably ease the plight of golfers by reducing the long distance they have to walk from one side of the golf course to the other while playing, was officially opened on Saturday morning.

Sponsored by Airtel Seychelles, the concrete and wooden Airtel Bridge built across the stretch of marsh that crosses the golf course was unveiled by Amadou Dina, the general manager of Airtel Seychelles and Vishal Sewraj, the Golf Club captain.

This was in the presence of a group of golfers gathered to take part in a golf competition soon after sponsored by Airtel Seychelles.

Mr Sewraj thanked Airtel Seychelles, the contractor and everyone who had made the project a reality.

Mr Dina said it is always a pleasure to take part in and contribute in such important initiatives like this one.

He noted that by crossing the bridge instead of walking the long way to the other side will be a great relief for the golfers. 

He further said that from now on every year Airtel Seychelles is planning to organise a golf tournament much bigger than in the past.


Marie-Anne Lepathy

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