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Message from National Muslim Council of Seychelles (NMCS) chairman Imam Idris Yusuf following the destruction of statues at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception |11 June 2022

‘No effort should be spared to find the perpetrators of these heinous deeds’


The National Muslim Council of Seychelles has unreservedly condemned the attack and wilful destruction which has taken place at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Victoria.

“No effort should be spared to find the perpetrators of these heinous deeds and the National Muslim Council of Seychelles (NMCS) welcomes the government’s offer of a substantial reward for any information leading to the apprehension of those responsible for this senseless action,” said Imam Idris Yusuf, chairman of the NMCS.

He added: “From the information that has been made public concerning the attack, it does not appear to be that of a random spurious act of vandalism, but rather a deliberate, premeditated malicious hate-crime against the church and what it represents.

“The Muslim community stands firm in abhorring such acts against any religion or place of worship. In Islam, Muslims are required to maintain harmonious relations with everyone irrespective of religious beliefs or differences. In the Muslim Holy Book, the Quran (Surah ‘Al Kafirun’ Verse 6) emphasises ‘to you be your religion and to me my religion’. Tolerance and respect should be afforded to all faiths and such cowardly and criminal action has no place in our small nation and we must be united in condemning in the most vociferous terms such hideous behaviour.

“The National Muslim Council implores anyone who may become aware of any information, which may assist the law enforcement agencies in their investigations and efforts to apprehend the culprits, to come forward.”

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