SFA marks 35th anniversary |31 August 2019

On August 31, 1984 the Seychelles Fishing Authority was set up through the establishment of its Act after the Seychelles Industrial Fisheries Authority, which was initiated the year before with the development of industrial tuna fishing in Seychelles, was phased out.
Today, 35 years later, the Seychelles Fishing Authority (SFA) is still here. Having gone through different stages of development and tremendous transformation over the years, the SFA has withstood all the tests and challenges. Yesterday, an exhibition and open day were organised at the fishing port next to the SFA head office to showcase the authority’sachievements through its core departments and sections during its 35 years of existence. Among its achievements is its reputation as one of the best institutions when it comes to fisheries research, fisheries management and monitoring control and surveillance in the region.
Fisheries and Agriculture Minister Charles Bastienne was the guest of honour at the events. He joined the employees to celebrate this important milestone.
The different departments and sections include:
- Fisheries research, Aquaculture,
- Monitoring, Control and Surveillance,
- Fisheries Economics, Fisheries Statistics,
- Fisheries Management and Post-Harvest and Value Addition.
During yesterday’s open day and exhibition each section showcased their main activities through posters, banners, displays and interactive materials. All the activities have been prepared with the aim to allow members of the public to interact with the SFA staff present to know more about their specific mandates.
In remarks to launch the two activities, the deputy chief executive of the SFA, Calvin Gerry highlighted the key mandate of the authority which is to promote, organise and develop fishing industries and fishing resources in Seychelles and assist in formulating the national policy with respect to fishing, fishing industries and fishing resources and in implementing that policy.
“All these put together lead to the vision of the SFA which is excellence in sustainable fisheries management and development,” Mr Gerry pointed out.
Furthermore in an effort to support and boost the fishing industry, since January this year, the SFA has become financially autonomous.
Mr Gerry noted that with these recent developments, the SFA is yet to undergo some major changes as of next year.
“This will ensure that the institution remains relevant with the current level of development in the fisheries sector in line with the fisheries comprehensive plan and the Seychelles economy as a whole,” Mr Gerry explained.
He went on to thank each and every employee for their hard work and devotion towards the authority, stressing that it will not have been possible for the SFA to have reached this far without their support and commitment.
Also during the launch ceremony, three employees shared their experience working for the SFA. They are Michel Marguerite chief economist with 27 years of service, Elisa Socrate principal fisheries officer with 12 years of service, and Devis Monthy aquaculture facility supervisor with one year of service.
For Mr Marguerite, his journey with the SFA has been a long one during which he has witnessed the transformation and growth of the fisheries sector. He gave a summary of all the different positions he has occupied, the different ministers, chief executives and managing directors and board members under whose management he has worked. Mr Marguerite has also taken part in the conception of different projects like port development infrastructures.
“Working for the SFA has also provided me with a lot of opportunities to take part in different meetings to discuss policies, concessions and credit for fishermen among many others. I have also represented the SFA in different fora, both locally and internationally,” Mr Marguerite stated.
During his time with the SFA, Mr Marguerite also had the opportunity to study for a Masters’ degree in fisheries economics in London in 2000, something which he says he is very grateful for. Mr Marguerite also said he remains committed to work for the SFA.
As for Ms Socrate who works in the fisheries management department, her journey has not been an easy one, but she is happy that more employees have joined her team and she has expressed the hope that all staff will continue to work with dedication to take the SFA to the next level.
Mr Monthy who works in the aquaculture facility at Providence, said his job is not easy but one that needs to be done and he is enjoying it.
“Since I started in this job in October last year I have noticed that the SFA emphasises a lot on capacity building and team spirit and so far I have been on different missions, both local and overseas, that have helped us all to grow and to do our job better,” said Mr Monthy.
Before guests and employees visited the different stalls, Minister Bastienne and Mr Gerry cut a commemorative cake to mark the occasion.
The accompanying photos were taken during yesterday’s event.