Start of second school term |10 May 2022

Members of the delegation interacting with students at the English River secondary school yesterday (Photo: Thomas Meriton)
Education ministry, district officials bring support to pupils, teachers
After three weeks of Easter holidays, pupils from most public schools excitedly resumed classes yesterday at the start of the second term for this year as a group of education, district, school council officials and parents’ representatives visited two schools to bring support to pupils and teachers.
Principal secretary for education services MernaEulentin and principal secretary for education sector development John Lesperance accompanied by director general for institutional support services at the Ministry of EducationBernard Arnephy, member of the National Assembly for English River Andy Labonte, and other school and district officials, parents and school council representatives yesterday morning visited the English River secondary and the Anse Etoile primary schools.
The visits were followed by a management meeting at both schools.
After a tour of some classes, English River secondaryhead teacher SteveHoareau noted that ensuring security at the school for this term has always been and remains a priority as we are still in a pandemic and students have to keep wearing their masks and adhere to Covid-19 health measures.
“On the management side, we made sure the students arrive at school on time with anappropriate haircut, hair style and uniforms that are in order. Our expectation is that all students will do their best this term. We will see the impact of Covid-19 in two years’ time but we hope to be able to follow study times normally,” Mr Hoareau remarked.
He went on to statethat his school once again brought up the issue of access to internet and is calling on the education ministry to try and address the issue so that the school can easily access internet, an essential tool in learning without difficulties.
PS Eulentin said she was quite satisfied with what she had observed on the first day of term at the two schools and shared that the Ministry of Education chose to visit the two institutions to bring support to students and their teachers.
“Very often we focus on the buildings but today we are showing that we also focuson the welfare of the students and teachers. The internet issue has been lingering for some time, but PS Lesperance is discussing with the internet service providers to find the best deal. There are also some parents who have come forward to explore ways they can help the school. It is work in progress,” PS Eulentin pointed out.
Commenting on the theme ‘Fer Lekol For’, MsEulentin said this will allow the managements to make the necessary decisions for the welfare and progress of their pupils and continued development of their schools. She noted that the Ministry of Education is adopting a more collaborative approach and will keep working with the schools.
Meanwhile, the English River secondary school recently lost a teacher butMr Hoareau said theyhave put in place a proper counseling and support service to assist both teachers and students.