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UniSey releases second issue of Seychelles Research Journal |28 August 2019

UniSey releases second issue of Seychelles Research Journal

The Seychelles Research Journal is an online publication that comes out twice a year (University of Seychelles)

The University of Seychelles (UniSey) has announced the release of the second issue of the Seychelles Research Journal which is now online and could be seen at

With the generous support of its sponsors, this is produced as an open access journal and the contents are freely available for the benefit of all. The journal was launched at the start of 2019, with the aim of showing something of the diversity and quality of research that is underway in and about Seychelles.

The present issue is devoted to the theme of the Blue Economy. Although Seychelles is a small island nation it is a large oceanic state. With a maritime jurisdiction covering nearly 1.4 million square kilometres of the surrounding ocean, the sustainable use of the sea is a national priority.

Fittingly, this issue contains a remarkable range of scholarly articles, research notes and conference reports, all contributing towards our growing understanding of what the ocean has to offer.

Seychelles is widely recognised as a living laboratory for this kind of research as well as for its own pioneering efforts to make a difference, not only to our own lives but to those of future generations.

An important feature of the present issue is that, as well as contributions from UniSey academics, it shows the depth of work being undertaken in government departments and among the many dedicated NGOs in the country.

Especially heartening is the number of contributions from overseas as well, adding strength to the campaign for a more sustainable ocean.

In bringing this all together, credit is given to Kelly Hoareau, the director of the James Michel Blue Economy Research Institute, who has taken on the role of Guest Editor.

Further information on this issue can be obtained from Ms Hoareau at

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