Ashihara Karate Seychelles holds Easter special training |28 April 2022

Some of the young karatekas with their certificates
The Ashihara Karate School organised a special training over the Easter weekend at the National Sports Council hall at Roche Caïman with members aged from 6 to 18 years old from its Mahe dojo in attendance.
Unfortunately, its La Digue and Anse Royale members could not make it because of Covid-19 and logistic reasons.
The karatekas who participated went through basic techniques of the style on the Friday from 9.30am to 12 noon, whilst on the second day training was devoted to fighting strategy, kicking and stretching as well as endurance.
The special sessions were conducted by Shihan Egbert Moustache with the assistance of Senpai Vincent Benstrong and Senpai Martin Lebon.
The highlight of the weekend training was on Monday April 18 when there was a promotion test after a short morning session. Twelve karatekas were successfully promoted to various grades (including one brown belt) by Shihan E. Moustache, the Seychelles branch chief instructor and examiner. Certificates were presented to all participants and those who passed the grading.
Following the successful training, The Melvin Jones Fellows (MJF), Lions Clubs of Seychelles donated two punching bags. The presentation to Shihan Egbert Moustache took place at the NAYOPI Business Centre on April 23, 2022 in the presence of District Governor, Dr Zulfikar Mamujee, First Lady Lion Fatema Mamujee, President MFF Lion Siddhanth Mathur, Secretary MJF Lion Anandi Hirani and youngest MJF Lion Rajendra Bhudia and several MJF board members.
The Ashihara Karate School would like to the National Sports Council and the sponsors for their support. A special thank you goes to all the parents who came to cheer the young talented athletes during the tough grading session on Monday.
The Mahe dojo offers training every day (except Wednesdays) at the Mont Fleuri secondary school, and one Wednesday weekly at the Anse Royale secondary school. Those interested please call either 2823545 or 2535678; also visit