Parenting: NCC monthly parenting sessions |12 April 2022

One of the parenting sessions in progress (Photo source: NCC Facebook Page)
In the following interview with representatives of the National Council for Children (NCC), Seychelles NATION learns more about the parenting sessions that the NCC hosts on a monthly basis.
Seychelles NATION: Tell us about the parenting sessions.
NCC: The NCC has been hosting monthly parenting sessions for many years now. The session is conducted by the training manager, Fatma Bibi, and is aimed at empowering parents with skills and knowledge to better understand and manage their children.
The free half-day sessions are open to anyone who wishes to attend and is usually held towards the end of each month. The sessions include presentations, discussions, as well as group and individual work. They are very interactive sessions as they provide a platform for parents to share their experiences, be it positive or negative, and the challenges that they are facing while raising their children.
Seychelles NATION: What topics are covered during these sessions?
NCC: The following topics are covered in the sessions;
a. Parenting style – participants are introduced to the four main parenting styles. They get to explore each style and try to see which style or styles they are practicing at home.
b. Consistency – participants are introduced to rules and routines in the household and the importance of repetition and consistency. They also learn about effective praise and rewards.
c. Consequences – participants are given tips on the types of consequences they can use when rules are broken. Discussion centres on the importance of having consequences that become learning rather than punishment. Participants also learn about the consequences that can be used with various age groups.
d. Problem solving – participants learn about the importance of allowing children to solve their own problem and providing them with the tools to do so.
e. Communication – participants learn the best way to communicate with their children. They are provided with simple communication techniques that will be of benefit to both themselves and their children.
The fact that being a parent can be considered the toughest job in the world makes it essential for the provision of these sessions. Every child is unique and although a parent might have had smooth sailing with one child, it does not mean that s/he will encounter similar experiences with the other. It is therefore important that such sessions are organised to help parents better understand and support their children.
Seychelles NATION: What are some of the benefits of these sessions for parents and children?
NCC: Parents who attend the sessions benefit by;
- improving their parental skills and becoming more effective parents
- bringing about positive changes in their attitude towards one another (parents/children relationship)
- improving communication between the parents and the children
- improving the children’s behaviour
- decreasing the use of corporal punishment in the home
- improving the overall atmosphere at home
- improving parents’ mental health
Seychelles NATION: How can parents enroll for these sessions?
NCC: Anyone who wishes to join the sessions can simply call NCC on 4 283 900 and ask to be enrolled as a participant for the parenting sessions. The person’s contact details will be collected (name and phone number). The person will then be contacted for other formalities and briefed about the training.
F. P.