Seychelles takes part in African regional consultation on diaspora engagement |02 April 2022

The Seychelles delegation during the virtual meeting
The Diaspora Unit of the department of Foreign Affairs has participated in the virtual meeting on African Regional Consultation on Diaspora Engagement, organised by the Directorate of Citizens and Diaspora (CIDO) of the African Union Commission and the International Organisation Migration (IOM) in preparation for the Global Diaspora Summit meeting.
It was the platform for the African Union member states, regional economic communities (Recs) and diaspora to discuss experiences and lessons learnt through the African Union’s Diaspora Engagement Self–Assessment Tool.
The virtual gathering also identified priorities for empowering the diaspora based on the region's specific dynamics, which will form the basis of global discussions during the Summit and International Migration Review Forum (IMRF).
Jacques Belle, director-general for Diaspora Affairs, briefed the over 60 participants of the meeting on the country’s efforts in diaspora engagement and the ongoing work by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Tourism to formulate a national policy and reinforce its undertaking with Seychellois abroad.
He also underlined the need for more dialogues and collaboration starting at sub-regional level.
It is worth noting that the Diaspora Unit recently met virtually with its counterpart in Cabo Verde, and within a week, participates in a regional forum. This reflects the Unit's commitment to increasing its outreach at both bilateral and multilateral levels.
Press release from the department of Foreign Affairs