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Corruption Perceptions Index Report 2021   Minister welcomes Seychelles’ new ranking |27 January 2022

Corruption Perceptions Index Report 2021     Minister welcomes Seychelles’ new ranking

Minister Hassan

The Minister for Finance, Economic Planning and Trade, Naadir Hassan, has welcomed the new ranking of Seychelles in the Corruption Perceptions Index Report 2021, issued by Transparency International.

The report was published on January 25, 2022, and Seychelles has gained 4 positions, from a ranking of 27th worldwide in 2020, to 23rd worldwide in 2021.

In the latest CPI report, Seychelles has scored 70 out of 100 points.

Minister Hassan has said that the fight against corruption is ‘paramount’ if public finance is to be beneficial to all Seychellois.

“Taxpayers’ money is meant to benefit every Seychellois, and not just a few. It is our role as the ministry responsible for finance to ensure that this money is collected and spent according to regulations and procedures in place.”

He said with the full roll-out of the Result-Based Management (RBM) approach in the public service soon, accountability and transparency will be the main backbone of the public service, thus reducing the risk of corrupt practices.

“RBM is expected to guarantee accountability by every individual, by every organisation and at every stage of the process to either deliver or procure a service in the public service. This approach will lead to good governance and transparency.”

Minister Hassan has called upon all civil servants in the public service to always comply with the procedures in place and to “not hesitate to sound the alarm”, when these same procedures are not being respected.

He has also reiterated the call of President Wavel Ramkalawan, that “his administration will not tolerate corrupt practices”.

“I am calling on everyone to do their job diligently, respectfully and within the legal framework in place and not to turn a blind eye to corrupt practices. By following the rules, you will contribute to improve service delivery to the population, improve the reputation of your work place and improve the reputation and credibility of our country worldwide,” said Minister Hassan.

Since coming into power in October 2020, the administration has been instrumental in empowering the Anti-Corruption Commission Seychelles (ACCS), in its mission to investigate and prosecute cases of corruption.

In 2021 alone, the Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning and Trade presented three separate amendments to the Anti-Corruption Act, 2016, which were approved by the National Assembly and subsequently assented to by President Ramkalawan.


Press release from the Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning & Trade


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