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Cabinet business   Legal and policy memoranda considered in year’s first meeting |27 January 2022

President Wavel Ramkalawan chaired the first scheduled meeting for 2022 of the Cabinet yesterday, Wednesday January 26, where a number of legal and policy memoranda were considered.

Cabinet approved for the drafting of the Road Transport (Immobilisation, Towing and Impounding of Vehicles) Regulations, 2021.  These regulations will enable enforcement agencies to clamp, tow away and impound vehicles that have been abandoned or illegally parked on a public road or in a public car park or any other illegal areas. Cabinet raised concerns about the number of derelict vehicles around the country and requested that these should be dealt with under the Derelict Motor Vehicles Act.

Cabinet approved the Seychelles Maritime Safety Authority (Appeals Board) Regulations, 2021. The provisions of Section 11 and 12 of the Seychelles Maritime Safety Authority Act gives any aggrieved persons the right of appeal.

The Appeals Board therefore has the power to review decisions made by the Seychelles Maritime Safety Authority under the purview of their functions.

Cabinet approvedmeasures that will deter the speculative transfer of Industrial Estates Authority leases of land. A transaction fee of 12.5% of the value of the transfer price will be introduced.

Applications for the transfer of leases will be put on hold until the regulations are finalized and published.

Cabinet also approved for the removal of Value Added Tax and levy applicable on fire trucks and the removal of Value Added Tax applicable on ambulances.

Cabinet in principle approved the proposal for the creation of a National Order of Merit of the Republic of Seychelles which will instil national pride. The National Order of Merit will recognise distinguished services or acts of devotion, bravery, generosity and commitment to the Republic of Seychelles and to our people. Public consultations will be undertaken by the Department of Foreign Affairs to generate ideas on how the Order of Merit will be designed.  The first ceremony will be held during the Independence Day celebration of 2022.

Cabinet was also updated on the status of the Covid-19 pandemic in Seychelles. The measures in place were also discussed and it was agreed that the current measures will remain in place for the time being.


Press release from the Office of the President


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